Auto-Selenium is a Python tool to automate the download of Selenium Web Drivers and store the profile sessions for the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Opera
- Brave
- Edge (only for Windows)
It utilizes Selenium and MSEdge tools
pip install auto-selenium
from autoselenium import Driver
driver = Driver('chrome') # downloads driver based on current version of the browser
with Driver('brave', root='drivers') as driver: # equivalent to Selenium's WebDriver object
# Selenium Webdriver command examples
from autoselenium import download_driver, get_version
download_driver('firefox', version='0.29.1', root='drivers')
download_driver('opera', 'latest')
cversion = get_version('brave', 'current')
lversion = get_version('brave', 'latest')
if cversion < lversion:
print('You should update your browser!')
You can specify between 'current', 'latest' or input an specific version for a driver.
import autoselenium
class TwitterBot(autoselenium.Driver):
_URL = ''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.logged = False
def log(self):
self.logged = True
def scrape(self):
Would you like to contribute to this project? Here are a few starters:
- Improve documentation
- Add Testing examples
- Bug hunts and refactor
- Additional features/ More integrations
- Phantom JS support
- Implement default browser functions for Mac