React-HRMS is a simple HRMS application using React, Redux and Node.js as backend
follow these steps
//To Start the UI Server
cd react-hrms
npm install
npm start
//To start the Backend Server
cd backend
npm install
npm start
This app is a simple Human Resource Managemnt System .You can be logged in as Manager or as an normal employee with M11 or M12 as id and 'pass' as password.
If you are logged in as Manager
- You can add,edit,delete employees and assign tasks to them
- You can analyse the performance of employees through chart
- You can view the details of company using streaming video
- Jsonwebtoken used for Security in the backend
- Video Streaming
- Materialise.css for Styling
- Node.js and Express in the Backend
- React-Redux for State Management
- Recharts for charts