Back in 2019, I started getting interested in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and I did a Research project during my Computer Engineering in Fintech Domain
I along with my team of 3 people came up with a Finteh Problem or any Government Organizations/Institutes facing Problems.
The main aim of this project is to present an efficient and robust framework for the detection as well as recognition of logo images.
Public organizations, institutes, companies, and private sectors are generally interested in implementing digital mail rooms to improve the efficiency of paper-intensive workflows and to reduce the burden of manual processing of different administrative documents including incoming mail, faxes, forms, invoices, reports, employee records, health record, etc. A logo can be considered an important and popular salient entity presented in administrative documents. The manual identification/verification of logos is not an easy task, as the document in-flow in organizations is growing rapidly.
Undergone Intership from Intershala for Python Helping my Research Project!!