This is a framework of scripts to easily run evosuite and randoop to generate tests, collect data from their outputs, run JaCoCo on the generated tests, and to finally generate a csv file with all the collected data. There is also a script that allows to run a whole benchmark with both tools.
- EvoSuite:
- Randoop:
- JaCoCo:
- EvoDoop:
This repo includes a basic benchmark and several scripts. Scripts are separated between a demo usage and a more practical usage.
will run EvoSuite and Randoop respectively, then they will run JaCoCo. These will not only produce new tests, but will also produce a file with a simplified report on test coverage done by JaCoCo. -
is a script that will clean all files produced by the test generation and coverage processes, it optionally can take a path to clean a specific results folder. -
is a script similar torunEvoSuiteDemo
while offering a more flexible usage, use--help
to get information about how to use it. -
is a configuration script containing only constants used byrunEvoSuite
script. -
(still not available) is the same asrunEvoSuite
but for Randoop. -
is a script to runrunEvoSuite
on a whole benchmark, including several seeds for each class in the benchmark, use--help
to get information about how to use it. This script will generate an csv file for the whole benchmark. While the csv file has information parsed from EvoSuite output, a will be generated for each run in the benchmark (a run is defined by a class, seed, and run ID). -
is an auxiliary script to parse results from EvoSuite's output. -
(still not available) is the same asrunEvoSuiteForBenchmark
but for Randoop. -
is an auxiliary script full of utility functions.
Both runRandoopDemo
and runEvoSuiteDemo
scripts will:
- generate tests for the examples in the benchmark folder, specifically those in the
package. - run JaCoCo to evaluate statement and branch coverage (see generated for results).
There are four examples for a Queue implementation based on a linked list:
- BadQueue, the dequeue method is missing the line which decrements the queue's size, this example does not have a repOk method
- Queue, a correct implementation with a repOk method annotated with @CheckRep for Randoop to use as invariant
- GoodQueue, a correct implementation with an inv method with no annotations, and the invariant is incorrect
- GoodQueueWithRep, a correct implementation with an incorrect repOk method annotated with @CheckRep for Randoop to use as invariant
To run each example the script (either runRandoopDemo
or runEvoSuiteDemo
) must be called respectively with bad, normal, good, and goodWithRep
note: the example's names are not really representative.
After each run you should execute
to clean all generated files. For a more specific usage, you should call <path to results folder>
To add a new example the source files must be stored in benchmark/src folder and the compiled files in benchmark/bin folder. And modify each script with the new example.
There is a Stack example available.