Clone of Angular-Seed with JQuery.iviewer directive (jqyiviwer) for angularJS
Original Plugin:
JQuery.iviewer is an jquery ui widget representing image viewer component used to load and view image with ability to zoom image and to drag it with mouse in container.
Plugin is expected to work in ie6+, ff2+, google chrome, opera 9+, safari.
<jqyiviewer src="" zoom="100" x="-200" y="-100" width="400" height="200" debug="false" data="data"></jqyiviewer>
data = your data to sync back the details of the changes
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"zoom": 51.020408163265316,
"x": 16.5,
"y": 37.5,
"src": "",
"display_width": 367,
"display_height": 325,
"angle": 0