Shows list of songs from itunes Api
This is demo project having feature given below :
- Follows MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture.
- Uses Retrofit for networking response.
- Uses Kotlin-Coroutines for background task.
- Uses Room for database Storage.
- Shows list of songs at home page.
- Search songs by artist name with debouncing.
- Shows deatils of the song when you click the row.
- Room db is used for querying if there is no network connectivity.
- Default home screen.
- Detailed screen on clicking row.
- Searching song with artist name "Eminem" when device is connected to wifi.
- Default home screen when there is no Internet Connectivity.
- Searching song with artist name "Pitbull" when device is not connected to wifi.
- Detailed screen on row clicking when device is not connected to wifi.