Welcome to the ToDo Backend System! This project provides a robust backend infrastructure for a to-do application, featuring user registration, login, task and subtask management, automatic task priority updates based on due dates, and overdue task notifications via calls.
1. Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
2. Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js.
3. MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user data, tasks, and subtasks.
4. Twilio API: Used for sending notifications via calls.
1. User Registration and Login:
- Register a new user account.
- Authenticate and receive a JWT token for access.
2. Task and Subtask Management:
- Create, read, update, and delete tasks.
- Manage subtasks associated with tasks.
3. Automatic Priority Updates:
- Prioritize tasks automatically based on due dates using cron jobs.
4. Overdue Task Notifications via Calls:
- Notify users of overdue tasks through phone calls using cron-jobs.