Set of useful tools for machine learning projects
Take a look here for more useful code examples
utils for easier skitlearn classifier handling
utils for easier skitlearn linear models handling
My toolbox of useful plots classes.
- DataPlots - plots for data exploration
- EvaluationPlots - Plots that helps to evaluate models
- VisPlotPlayGround
##CommonFeatureEngineering drop list of columns, fillna using smarter functions, map columns values in one line and more goodies..
utils for easier skitlearn classifier handling
Useful method for classifications : Utils for easier skitlearn classifier handling:
- split_and_train
- test_model
- but you might want to use:
- split_data_to_train_test
- train_model
Plots for data exploration:
- colored_scatter - Plot scatter of x vs y with color of third element
- colored_scatter_matrix - A matrix of colored_scatter
Plots which helps to evaluate models
- predicted_vs_actual - This method creates sctter plot of predicted values vs the actual valus.
- plots a confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied
playground for visualization (color map and more...)
- show_colormap - Show the gradiant of cmap
- grayify_cmap - Return a grayscale version of the colormap
mainly for unittests and demos
easyier skitlearn dataset exploration mainly for unittests and demos
- data_as_df