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Use sphinx_plot for 3D plots in the documentation of charts and vecto…
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egourgoulhon committed Nov 13, 2016
1 parent 23eb9d8 commit b4a4530
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Showing 3 changed files with 231 additions and 71 deletions.
142 changes: 111 additions & 31 deletions src/sage/manifolds/
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Expand Up @@ -1863,9 +1863,10 @@ def valid_coordinates(self, *coordinates, **kwds):
# All tests have been passed:
return True

@options(color='red', style='-', thickness=1, plot_points=75, label_axes=True)
@options(max_range=8, color='red', style='-', thickness=1, plot_points=75,
def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
fixed_coords=None, ranges=None, max_range=8, nb_values=None,
fixed_coords=None, ranges=None, nb_values=None,
steps=None, parameters=None, **kwds):
Plot ``self`` as a grid in a Cartesian graph based on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1906,12 +1907,6 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
entire coordinate range declared during the chart construction
is considered (with ``-Infinity`` replaced by ``-max_range``
and ``+Infinity`` by ``max_range``)
- ``max_range`` -- (default: 8) numerical value substituted to
+Infinity if the latter is the upper bound of the range of a
coordinate for which the plot is performed over the entire coordinate
range (i.e. for which no specific plot range has been set in
``ranges``); similarly ``-max_range`` is the numerical valued
substituted for ``-Infinity``
- ``nb_values`` -- (default: ``None``) either an integer or a dictionary
with keys the coordinates to be drawn and values the number of
constant values of the coordinate to be considered; if ``nb_values``
Expand All @@ -1927,6 +1922,12 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
- ``parameters`` -- (default: ``None``) dictionary giving the numerical
values of the parameters that may appear in the relation between
the two coordinate systems
- ``max_range`` -- (default: 8) numerical value substituted to
+Infinity if the latter is the upper bound of the range of a
coordinate for which the plot is performed over the entire coordinate
range (i.e. for which no specific plot range has been set in
``ranges``); similarly ``-max_range`` is the numerical valued
substituted for ``-Infinity``
- ``color`` -- (default: ``'red'``) either a single color or a
dictionary of colors, with keys the coordinates to be drawn,
representing the colors of the lines along which the coordinate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1962,11 +1963,25 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
Grid of polar coordinates in terms of Cartesian coordinates in the
Euclidean plane::
A 2-dimensional chart plotted in terms of itself results in a
rectangular grid::
sage: R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2', structure='topological') # the Euclidean plane
sage: c_cart.<x,y> = R2.chart() # Cartesian coordinates
sage: g = c_cart.plot() # equivalent to c_cart.plot(c_cart)
sage: g
Graphics object consisting of 18 graphics primitives
.. PLOT::
R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2', structure='topological')
c_cart = R2.chart('x y')
g = c_cart.plot()
Grid of polar coordinates in terms of Cartesian coordinates in the
Euclidean plane::
sage: U = R2.open_subset('U', coord_def={c_cart: (y!=0, x<0)}) # the complement of the segment y=0 and x>0
sage: c_pol.<r,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') # polar coordinates on U
sage: pol_to_cart = c_pol.transition_map(c_cart, [r*cos(ph), r*sin(ph)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2028,22 +2043,9 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
g = c_pol.plot(c_cart, fixed_coords={ph: pi/4})
A chart can be plotted in terms of itself, resulting in a rectangular
sage: g = c_cart.plot() # equivalent to c_cart.plot(c_cart)
sage: g # a rectangular grid
Graphics object consisting of 18 graphics primitives
.. PLOT::
R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2', structure='topological')
c_cart = R2.chart('x y'); x, y = c_cart[:]
g = c_cart.plot()
An example with the ambient chart given by the coordinate expression of
some manifold map: 3D plot of the stereographic charts on the
An example with the ambient chart lying in an another manifold (the
plot is then performed via some manifold map passed as the
argument ``mapping``): 3D plot of the stereographic charts on the
sage: S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological') # the 2-sphere
Expand All @@ -2065,8 +2067,31 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
sage: g = c_xy.plot(c_cart, mapping=Phi)
sage: g
Graphics3d Object
sage: type(g)
<class 'sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3dGroup'>
.. PLOT::
S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological')
U = S2.open_subset('U') ; V = S2.open_subset('V')
c_xy = U.chart('x y'); x, y = c_xy[:]
c_uv = V.chart('u v'); u, v = c_uv[:]
xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x**2+y**2), y/(x**2+y**2)),
intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x**2+y**2!=0,
restrictions2= u**2+v**2!=0)
uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3', structure='topological')
c_cart = R3.chart('X Y Z')
Phi = S2.continuous_map(R3, {(c_xy, c_cart): [2*x/(1+x**2+y**2),
2*y/(1+x**2+y**2), (x**2+y**2-1)/(1+x**2+y**2)],
(c_uv, c_cart): [2*u/(1+u**2+v**2),
2*v/(1+u**2+v**2), (1-u**2-v**2)/(1+u**2+v**2)]},
name='Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi')
sphinx_plot(c_xy.plot(c_cart, mapping=Phi))
NB: to get a better coverage of the whole sphere, one should increase
the coordinate sampling via the argument ``nb_values`` or the
argument ``steps`` (only the default value, ``nb_values = 5``, is used
here, which is pretty low).
The same plot without the ``(X,Y,Z)`` axes labels::
Expand All @@ -2078,6 +2103,28 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
sage: g + g2
Graphics3d Object
.. PLOT::
S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological')
U = S2.open_subset('U') ; V = S2.open_subset('V')
c_xy = U.chart('x y'); x, y = c_xy[:]
c_uv = V.chart('u v'); u, v = c_uv[:]
xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x**2+y**2), y/(x**2+y**2)),
intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x**2+y**2!=0,
restrictions2= u**2+v**2!=0)
uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3', structure='topological')
c_cart = R3.chart('X Y Z')
Phi = S2.continuous_map(R3, {(c_xy, c_cart): [2*x/(1+x**2+y**2),
2*y/(1+x**2+y**2), (x**2+y**2-1)/(1+x**2+y**2)],
(c_uv, c_cart): [2*u/(1+u**2+v**2),
2*v/(1+u**2+v**2), (1-u**2-v**2)/(1+u**2+v**2)]},
name='Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi')
g = c_xy.plot(c_cart, mapping=Phi, label_axes=False)
g2 = c_uv.plot(c_cart, mapping=Phi, color='green')
South stereographic chart drawned in terms of the North one (we split
the plot in four parts to avoid the singularity at `(u,v)=(0,0)`)::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2138,20 +2185,36 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
rectangular grid::
sage: g = c_cart.plot() # equivalent to c_cart.plot(c_cart) # long time
sage: g # a 3D mesh cube # long time
sage: g # long time
Graphics3d Object
.. PLOT::
R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3', structure='topological')
c_cart = R3.chart('X Y Z')
A 4-dimensional chart plotted in terms of itself (the plot is
performed for at most 3 coordinates, which must be specified via
the argument ``ambient_coords``)::
sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = X.plot(ambient_coords=(t,x,y)) # the coordinate z is not depicted # long time
sage: g # a 3D mesh cube # long time
sage: g # long time
Graphics3d Object
.. PLOT::
M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological')
X = M.chart('t x y z'); t,x,y,z = X[:]
g = X.plot(ambient_coords=(t,x,y))
sage: g = X.plot(ambient_coords=(t,y)) # the coordinates x and z are not depicted
sage: g # a 2D mesh square
sage: g
Graphics object consisting of 18 graphics primitives
.. PLOT::
Expand All @@ -2161,6 +2224,22 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
g = X.plot(ambient_coords=(t,y))
Note that the default values of some arguments of the method ``plot``
are stored in the dictionary ``plot.options``::
sage: X.plot.options # random (dictionary output)
{'color': 'red', 'label_axes': True, 'max_range': 8,
'plot_points': 75, 'style': '-', 'thickness': 1}
so that they can be adjusted by the user::
sage: X.plot.options['color'] = 'blue'
From now on, all chart plots will use blue as the default color.
To restore the original default options, it suffices to type::
sage: X.plot.reset()
from sage.misc.functional import numerical_approx
from import Graphics
Expand All @@ -2169,6 +2248,7 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
from .utilities import set_axes_labels

# Extract the kwds options
max_range = kwds['max_range']
color = kwds['color']
style = kwds['style']
thickness = kwds['thickness']
Expand Down
32 changes: 29 additions & 3 deletions src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -342,6 +342,16 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
....: label_offset=0.5, width=6))
Graphics3d Object
.. PLOT::
M = Manifold(4, 'M')
X = M.chart('t x y z'); t,x,y,z = X[:]
p = M((0,1,2,3), name='p'); Tp = M.tangent_space(p)
v = Tp((5,4,3,2), name='v')
g = X.plot(ambient_coords=(t,x,z)) + v.plot(ambient_coords=(t,x,z),
label_offset=0.5, width=6)
An example of plot via a differential mapping: plot of a vector tangent
to a 2-sphere viewed in `\RR^3`::
Expand All @@ -356,15 +366,31 @@ def plot(self, chart=None, ambient_coords=None, mapping=None,
sage: F.display() # the standard embedding of S^2 into R^3
F: S^2 --> R^3
on U: (th, ph) |--> (x, y, z) = (cos(ph)*sin(th), sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))
sage: p = U.point((pi/4, pi/4), name='p')
sage: v = XS.frame()[1].at(p) ; v
sage: p = U.point((pi/4, 7*pi/4), name='p')
sage: v = XS.frame()[1].at(p) ; v # the coordinate vector d/dphi at p
Tangent vector d/dph at Point p on the 2-dimensional differentiable
manifold S^2
sage: graph_v = v.plot(mapping=F)
sage: graph_S2 = XS.plot(chart=X3, mapping=F, number_values=9) # long time
sage: graph_S2 = XS.plot(chart=X3, mapping=F, nb_values=9) # long time
sage: graph_v + graph_S2 # long time
Graphics3d Object
.. PLOT::
S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2')
U = S2.open_subset('U')
XS = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
th, ph = XS[:]
R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3')
X3 = R3.chart('x y z')
F = S2.diff_map(R3, {(XS, X3): [sin(th)*cos(ph), sin(th)*sin(ph),
cos(th)]}, name='F')
p = U.point((pi/4, 7*pi/4), name='p')
v = XS.frame()[1].at(p)
graph_v = v.plot(mapping=F)
graph_S2 = XS.plot(chart=X3, mapping=F, nb_values=9)
sphinx_plot(graph_v + graph_S2)
from sage.plot.arrow import arrow2d
from sage.plot.text import text
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