This package can be used to read and write into yaml file.
There are two main ways you can write data in the yaml file.
- The Normal way :
#yaml file comment
{Key1 = value1, key2 = value2, key3 = value3}
// or
{Key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2", key3 = "value3"}
- or the dynamic way
#yaml file comment
key1 : value1
key2 : value2
key3 : value3
- First you have to download the jar file from this repo and place it in the project file.
- After that you have to add that jar file as a dependencies into your project.
- Then create an object for the YAML
YAML yaml=new YAML();
- Then set the mode of the Yaml read and Write operation
//Dynamic mode will set as default mode if setMode is not called
- Set the path of the yaml file
String Path="YAML.yaml";
- To write into the file, create a HashMap
HashMap<String,String> MappedData = new HashMap<>();
MappedData.put("Name","Sagar bhusal");
boolean appendOrNot = false;
-Then pass the data and path into the Writer method
- For reading the data from the file create a empty hashmap
HashMap<String,String> ReadData = new HashMap<>();
- Then call
ReadData = yaml.Reader(Path);