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SAGA Condor(-G) Adaptor


The Condor adaptor for SAGA provides the ability for Condor and Condor-G users to access its services through the simple programmatic interface of SAGA.

Currently, the adaptor works in conjunction with the Condor command line tools to communicate with the Condor scheduler and start jobs on the default universe.


  • Running interactive jobs is currently not supported.
  • Suspend/resume is also not supported.


(Please refer to the INSTALL file for more details)

Assuming the required SAGA C++ Core libraries are installed and the environment variable $SAGA_LOCATION is set accordingly, the Condor adaptor can be installed by typing:

make install

The optional --with-condor= option can be used in conjunction with ./configure to point the installer to the root directory of a specific Condor installation.

The Condor adaptor requires local access to the Condor binaries. Currently condor_submit, condor_rm and condor_q may be used as well. condor_status is useful in testing to check the status of submitted jobs.

The path to the binaries must be supplied in the adaptor configuration file. Assuming Condor is locally installed and working, all implemented functionality should work.

The adaptor can be tested even without a local Condor installation, by providing dummy scripts that forward the commands to an appropriate host, e.g., by ssh. A possible (if minimal) such script is:

ssh user@host "/bin/sh -lc '$0' $@"

With this approach all file staging will happen on the remote (ssh) host, though.


It is possible to use the adaptor with Condor-G resources

If you would work with Condor-G directly, you would add something like this into your Condor submit script in order to use a Condor-G resource:

Universe        = grid
grid_resource   = gt2

You can do the same thing through the SAGA Job API, simply by using the following URL in the job service constructor:

saga::job::service js("condorg://");

Security issues and mitigation strategy

When using the Condor command-line tools, we implicitly rely on the Condor setup and on the security context of the user to provide appropriate security.

Furthermore, binaries are searched for and invoked only from user supplied paths in the configuration option "saga.adaptors..cli.bin_path".

(TODO) Environment variables provided to Condor binaries should be minimized and sanitized. Configuration options will be added to allow the user to specify optional command-line arguments and environment variables to be used.