Misk-Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Third Project
This game consists of a player character and enemy bugs. The goal of the game is to reach the water, without colliding into any of the enemies, and the player can move left, right, up and down with the keyboard arrow keys. The the killer bugs move in varying speeds across the screen and your manual dexterity and quick reflexes are needed to avoid the enemy bugs and to reach the water. Once the player collides with an enemy, the game is reset and the player moves back to the start square. Once the player losing three lives, the player loss the game.
❤️❤️❤️ If the player collides with an enemy less than 5.
❤️❤️ If the player collides with an enemy between 5 and 10.
❤️ If the player collides with an enemy more than 14.
- HTML5 Canvas
- JavaScript (ES2015)
Open the index.html file in any modern browser, click inside the game area, and enjoy playing the game.