This is based on Danger and helps us automate our code-reviews. Everything is very opionated and aimed only for Rails.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'sep-danger'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install sep-danger
After you've added gem to Gemfile, just add Dangerfile to root of your project with contents:
danger.import_dangerfile(gem: 'sep-danger')
Run linters on the code diff using pronto. By default the following linters are included:
- pronto-haml
- pronto-rails_best_practices
- pronto-rubocop
- pronto-stylelint with the standard stylelint config
- pronto-eslint_npm with typescript parser and the AirBnB styleguide
Any other pronto linters you have installed will also be ran
Ask for review using slack webhook (use the
env var) unless the PR is a WIP or tests failed -
Link to issue in the pull request if the branch starts with an issue number (If you keep all issues in one repository, use the
env variable)
- be sure to be in master branch
- Change version in version file
- run rake master_release
Yes, it so simple!
Automate code review process to maximize time on what matters.
Ideas for this, could be found in:
- Potential security checks ->
- Improving our transition to more Functionality Style coding - improve checks for immutable object and/or data.
- Using ruby and rails best practices
Lead maintainer for this project is @dvdbng
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.