A single page project with the porpuse of storing books' titles and authors.
- CSS, HTML & Javascript.
- Copy the URL: "git@github.com:Saadat123456/AwesomeBooks.git"
- In your terminal, go to the directory you want to clone the repository.
- Use the command: git clone git@github.com:Saadat123456/AwesomeBooks.git
- Open index.html file
- Run npm install in the terminal to install node modules
- Run Live Server
👤 Saadat Ali
- GitHub: @Saadat123456
- Twitter: @Saadat02021999
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Alejandro Neira
- GitHub: @AlejandroNeira98
- Twitter: @JANP_19
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Project done under Microverse instructions