Command line grep-like file search utility for Windows.
No bloated gui or custom console. Just a fast, simple tool that runs in native cmd and powershell.
- Regular Expressions
- Chained commands
- Filter by Filetype/Filepath/Filesize
- Exports
- Editing with replace and delete
- Ease of use: Run from Command Line, Powershell, Windows Explorer or headless
- Visit the release tab (
- Download and run WindowsGrepSetup.msi (This is the only file you need)
This will install Windows Grep in ProgramFilesx86, add "grep" to your system's PATH for command line use, and insert registry keys for context menu use within Windows Explorer directories.
- Clone repo and build the
project as Release - Publish
- Download Wix Toolset & Wix VS Extension
- Build the
project to generate a msi installer in theWindowsGrep.Setup
Open cmd > "grep [command]"
Recursive Search | -r | --recursive |
Target Directory | -d | --directory= |
Context Characters | -c | --context= |
Limit n Results | -n | --results= |
Suppress output | -s | --suppress |
Ignore Line Breaks | -b | --ignore-breaks |
Ignore Case | -i | --ignore-case |
Target File | -f | --file= |
Plain Text Search | -F | --fixed-strings |
Regular Expression Search | -G | --basic-regexp |
Filter Files by Type(s) [Inclusive] | -t | --filetype-filter= |
Filter Files by Type(s) [Exclusive] | -T | --filetype-exclude-filter= |
Filter Filepath(s) by Expression(s) [Inclusive] | -p | --path-filter= |
Filter Filepath(s) by Expression(s) [Exclusive] | -P | --path-exclude-filter= |
Filenames Only | -k | --filenames-only |
FileSize Minimum | -z | --filesize-minimum= |
FileSize Maximum | -Z | --filesize-maximum= |
Write Output to File | -w | --write= |
Replace Text | -RX | --replace= |
Delete Files | -DX | --delete-files |
File Hashes | --hash= (0=SHA256, 1=MD5) |
* See documentation for detailed command descriptions
Command Order
Order of flags and the search term is completely flexible
Recursive search for file content containing "Dug".
-r Dug
Recursive search for file names containing "Dug".
-r -k Dug
Search for file content containing "Dug" or "Dig". ignore-case.
-i D[ui]g
Filter for .txt and .cs files only. Additionally, filter out files in bin and obj subdirectories
Dug -t .txt;.cs -P bin;obj
Show 100 characters of context around the match.
Dug -c 100
Search for filenames containing "Dug". Additionally, search the files returned from command one for content containing "mike"
-r Dug -k | -i mike
Match phone number
Recursive search. US zipcode expression. Filter out .dll matches. Limit results 10. Write output to .csv
-r \d{5}(-\d{4})? -T .dll -n 10 -w 'C:\output.csv'
For even more examples and detailed descriptions of each flag, visit the wiki