This is Team S23-43's implementation of a positioning algorithm, which is just one part of our senior design project. Our objective is to design and build a positioning system that wirelessly tracks an object's location, taking advantage of cellular communications standards. Messages are sent over the air between software-defined radios on the object and on no fewer than 3 observation points (OPs). These wireless messages provide data to calculate path losses between the object and the OPs, which then allows a central computer to estimate the object's position with this in-house algorithm. This system would ideally be able to scale up to support tracing several objects in a large warehouse.
If you decide to run the scripts in a Docker container, then the only necessary dependency is Docker.
While building a Docker image using the provided Dockerfile is recommended, it is not necessary. However, this project was made under the assumption it would be run on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, so if the project is running on a different version of Ubuntu or a different OS, it may not work as expected.
Run the following commands on your instance of Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sympy numpy
Now you should be good to go!
docker build -t <IMAGE_NAME> /path/to/repo
docker run --rm -v /path/to/repo:/app -it <IMAGE_NAME>
- The container should be running, and you should be in its terminal.