This project is Stream the large number image data to ESP8266 and display it like a GIF.
Stream Server I use JAVA to create the Socket to stream the image data.
- A board containg an ESP8266
- SSD1306 based 128x64 pixel OLED display
**SSD1306:(For Wemos D1 ESP8266)**
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SCL D3/D15
SDA D4/D14
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- Arduino IDE
- (Arduino library)ESP8266 Arduino Core
- (Arduino library)Adafruit GFX Library
- Java JDK
**Arduino Var Config:**
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ssid WiFi ssid
password WiFi password
host StreamServer ip address
port StreamServer port(default:5045)
framedelay image player speed(default:40ms)
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For the image part, bytefile.txt already have the "Bad Apple" video for the test , you can to use image2cpp translate the image you want to plain bytes, replace the code in bytefile.txt.
Last, Use Java compiler the main file and run, Upload the Arduino code the ESP8266 and test it!