Start server with npm run dev
install "mongodb"
initialize connection to mongodb
implement endpoint to create a subredit/community path: /subredits method: POST body: { name description }
implement endpoint to create a post (in a subredit) path: /subredits/:id/posts method: POST body: c
implement endpoint to list a subredit's posts path: /subredits/:id/posts method: GET
implement endpoint to get the comments for a post path: /subredits/:id/posts/:pid/comments method: GET
implement endpoint to edit a post path: /subredits/:id/posts/:pid method: PUT body: { title content }
upvotes/likes endpoint para adicionar um like a um post
listar posts de um subredit ordenados por likes (extra: query param para controlar a ordem)
endpoint que retorna media de likes dos posts num subredit