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XIV. Cert Wizard

Gabriel Ryan edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 9 revisions

EAPHammer's Cert Wizard mode is used for creating, importing, and managing SSL certificates used by the project. Cert Wizard has a number of submodes that can be used to perform these operations.

XIV.1 - Interactive Mode --cert-wizard interactive

This is Cert Wizard's default mode of operation. It can be activated by using either --cert-wizard or --cert-wizard interactive.

Interactive mode walks the user through a series of guided prompts in order to create a self-signed server certificate and private key, which are added to EAPHammer's static configuration.


./eaphammer --cert-wizard


./eaphammer --cert-wizard interactive

XIV.2 - Creating Certificates --cert-wizard create

Use —cert-wizard create to build new SSL certificates. Certs created using this mode are automatically imported into eaphammer's static configuration.

The created server cert, along with its private key and CA certificate chain, will be saved as a single PEM file in certs/server. The full chain file is then copied to certs/active, which incorporates it into eaphammer's static configuration. The created certificate chain and key is then used by eaphammer until another cert is imported or created.

XIV.2.a - Self-signed Certificates --cert-wizard create --self-signed

To create a self-signed certificate, use --cert-wizard create in conjunction with the --self-signed flag as shown in the following examples:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard create \
	--self-signed \

Note that the --cn flag is used to specify the common name (CN) of the generated certificate (see sections that follow).

XIV.2.b - Bootstrap Mode --bootstrap

The --bootstrap flag is shorthand for --cert-wizard create --self-signed.

In other words, this:

./eaphammer --bootstrap \

…is logically equivalent to:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard create \
	--self-signed \

XIV.2.c - Using External CA Certs and Keys --cert-wizard create

If you happen to "stumble" across a valid CA certificate and private key, you can use these to create trusted SSL certificates. Note that the CA certificate and private key must be in PEM format. To do this, you need to use the --ca-cert and --ca-key flags as shown in the following example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard create \
	--cn \
	--ca-cert /path/to/ca.crt \
	--ca-key /path/to/ca.key

As with the creation of self-signed certs, the mandatory --cn flag is used to set the Common Name (CN) of the certificate. Additionally, all of the flags listed in the next section can be used to further configure the generated certificate.

If the CA certificate and private key have been combined into a single PEM file, the --ca-key flag can be omitted:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard create \
	--cn \
	--ca-cert /path/to/ca_cert_and_key.pem

XIV.2.d - Certificate Attributes

The flags listed in this section are used to set the subject and attributes of both self-signed and CA-signed certificates created with Cert Wizard.

The --cn flag is used to set the Common Name (CN) of the generated certificate, and is mandatory:

  • --cn - Specify certificate common name (CN)

The following flags are used to set specific certificate attributes, and are optional:

  • --country - Specify certificate country attribute
  • --state - Specify certificate state or province attribute
  • --locale - Specify certificate locale (city) attribute
  • --org - Specify certificate organization attribute
  • --org-unit - Specify certificate org unit attribute
  • --email - Specify certificate emailAddress attribute

For example, the following command generates and imports a self-signed certificate with these specific attributes:

./eaphammer --bootstrap \
	--cn bugreport \
	--country US \
	--state Washington \
	--locale Seattle \
	--org BigScaryEDRVendor \
	--org-unit Legal \

Cert Wizard also has a number of advanced options that can be used during cert creation:

  • —not-before - Specify datetime on which cert should become active.
  • —not-after - Specify datetime on which cert should become active.
  • —algorithm - Specify algorithm with which to sign cert.
  • —key-length - Specify default certificate key length.

However, in most cases these options can be left to their default values.

XIV.3 - Importing Certificates and Keys --cert-wizard import

EAPHammer doesn't limit you to certificates created with Cert Wizard. You can also import certificates using --cert-wizard import. Imported certificates and private keys are combined into a single PEM file and saved to certs/server, then copied to certs/active, which incorporates them into eaphammer's static configuration. The imported certificate chain and key is then used by eaphammer until another cert is imported or created.

Imported certificates can be of any of the following formats, so long as they are in PEM format:

Server certificate, CA certificate, and server private key all in separate files:

Usage example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard import \
	--server-cert /path/to/server_cert.pem \
	--ca-cert /path/to/ca_cert.pem \
	--private-key /path/to/server_key.pem

Full certificate chain in single file and server private key in separate file (i.e. "Let's Encrypt" certificate format):

Usage example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard import \
	--server-cert /path/to/fullchain.pem \
	--private-key /path/to/private_key.pem

Server certificate and private key in combined PEM file, CA certificate in separate file:

Usage example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard import \
	--server-cert /path/to/server_and_key.pem \
	--ca-cert /path/to/ca_cert.pem

Full certificate chain and private key in single PEM file:

Usage example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard import \
	--server-cert /path/to/fullchain_and_key.pem

XIV.3.a - Password Protected Private Keys

If the private key is password protected and encrypted, you'll be prompted to input a passphrase when you run --cert-wizard import. Alternatively, you can skip the prompt by providing the password using the --private-key-passwd flag. For example:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard import \
	--server-cert /path/to/fullchain.pem \
	--private-key /path/to/server_key.pem \
	--private-key-passwd whatever

XIV.4 - Listing Previously Imported or Created Certificates --cert-wizard list

Certificates that are created or imported with EAPHammer are stored for future use in the certs directory. CA certificates are stored in certs/ca, and full certificate chains (with integrated private keys) are stored in certs/server. To view a list of all certificates currently in Cert Wizard's inventory, along with their basic attributes, use --cert-wizard list as shown below:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard list

XIV.5 - Regenerating Diffie Hellman (DH) Parameters --cert-wizard dh

By default, EAPHammer uses a 2048 bit DH file that is located at certs/dh_file. Since generating DH parameters can be time consuming, the DH file is generated once when ./kali-setup is run. If you need to regenerate the 2048 bit DH file for whatever reason, you can do so with the following command:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard dh

If you need a DH file with a different key length, you can generate one by using --cert-wizard dh in conjunction with the --key-length flag:

./eaphammer --cert-wizard dh \
	--key-length 1024

XIV.6 - Overriding EAPHammer's Static Configuration

You can pass certificates and keys to EAPHammer manually at runtime, overriding the tool's static configuration. For example, the following command can be used to load a custom server cert, CA cert, and private key at runtime:

./eaphammer --creds \
	-e lolskillzshortage \
	-b 13:37:13:37:13:37 \
	-i wlan0 \
	--server-cert /path/to/server_cert.pem
	--ca-cert /path/to/ca_cert.pem
	--private-key /path/to/private_key.pem

Certificates and keys loaded at runtime are used once, and once only. EAPHammer then reverts to its active certificates and keys.

Certificates and private keys can be in any of the formats listed in Importing Certificates and Keys, so long as they are in PEM format. Additionally, the --private-key-passwd flag can be used to provide a private key password at runtime.

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