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This repository provides Terraform codes to create AWS EC2 instances along with a Bastion instance and mount EFS, making it easy to set up EC2 instances in an AWS cloud environment and share files via EFS.

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This repository contains Terraform codes to create AWS EC2 instances and mount EFS on them.

Development environment

  • OS: MacOS 13.2.1
  • Terraform: v1.4.2
  • AWS CLI: 2.10.0


Terraform installation

Please install Terraform according to official document;

Environmental variables

Set your AWS access key and secret access key in the bash shell as follows:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_access_key"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_secret_access_key"

Also, set your key pair name, VPC ID, and subnet ID in the bash shell as follows:

export TF_VAR_key_name="your_key_pair_name"
export TF_VAR_vpc_id="your_vpc_id"
export TF_VAR_subnet_id="your_subnet_id"

These can be also declared in *.tfvars



Initialize the Terraform project by running:

terraform init

The Makefile enables to do same running by:

make init

Check the Changes to Resources

Review the planned changes by running:

make plan

Here, *.tfvars file is assumed to be default file name terraform.tfvars

Apply the changes

Apply the Terraform code to the resources by running:

make apply

Destruction (if needed)

If you would like to clean up the resources, you can do so by running:

make destroy

Connection to Resources

Add ssh key

Add ssh key running by:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ${your_key_pem_file}

ssh connection to bastion host

You can connect to bastion host running by:

ssh -i ${your_pem_key} ubuntu@<bastion_host_public_ip>

You can see the public IP of bastion host runnning by:

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=bastion-host" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress" --output text

Access right to pem file

If you cannot connect bastion host, please run:

chmod 400 ${your_pem_key}

Of course, tou can also use AWS console.


Trouble shooting

Check cloud resource building log running by:

cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
cat /etc/resolv.conf

Usage of graphviz

It is usefull to visualize resources by using graphviz. It can be installed running by:

sudo apt install graphviz

If graphviz is installed successfully, running:

dot -V

should show the Graphviz version.

You can viaualize the graph by:

terraform graph -draw-cycles | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg


This repository provides Terraform codes to create AWS EC2 instances along with a Bastion instance and mount EFS, making it easy to set up EC2 instances in an AWS cloud environment and share files via EFS.




