To install using NPM do
npm install kolayout --save
and to set up typescript tsconfig.json to allow resolution of submodules within kolayout package add the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"kolayout/*": ["node_modules/kolayout/dist/typings/*"]
which allows you to do
import {isDefined} from "kolayout/utils/isDefined";
if only IKoLayout or KoLayout is required, simply doing
import {IKoLayout,KoLayout} from "kolayout";
Here is example setup for runtime using requirejs and using the directly transpiled output located in /dist/src folder within your application
name: "kolayout",
main: "index",
assuming you copyed over npm package to libs in your gruntfile.js
npmcopy: {
// Anything can be copied
libs: {
options: {
destPrefix: 'wwwroot/libs'
files: {
// Keys are destinations (prefixed with `options.destPrefix`)
// Values are sources (prefixed with `options.srcPrefix`); One source per destination
// e.g. 'node_modules/chai/lib/chai.js' will be copied to 'test/js/libs/chai.js'
"kolayout": ["kolayout/dist/src"],