Quickly get realistic mockup fake content data in your shell
$ npm install -g muenchhausen-client
mh <template-string> [--culture en-GB] [--rows 1]
echo "<template-string>" | mh [--culture en-GB] [--rows 1]
Start Within Minutes...
$ echo "Fake-News: $(person.firstname) $(person.lastname) is a super hero action movie star born on $(date.future)" | mh
"Fake-News: Chuck Noris is a super hero action movie star born on 06/03/3513"
$ mh "now:$(date.now) random:$(date.random min:20200901) random: $(date.random) $(time.now) $(date.weekday)" --culture de-DE
now:22.02.2017 random:09.01.8692 random: 19.04.7308 08:02:54 Dienstag
$ c:\git\muenchhausen>mh "$(person.firstname) $(person.lastname) | $(address.random)$(address.street) - $(address.number), $(address.city), $(address.postcode)" --rows 5 --culture fr-FR
Ange Moreau | rue jean antoine chaptal - 159, Plaisir, 78370
Henriette Robert | rue jean louis gay lussac - 57, Plaisir, 78370
Justine Thomas | rue lavoisier - 129, Houilles, 78800
Alphonse Richard | grande rue - 97, Chambourcy, 78240
Bruno Dubois | rue marie jean antoine condorcet - 74, Plaisir, 78370
$ mh "$(number.random min:100,max:200)" --culture ja-JP
All fake commands available in templates
Name | Description |
A template string to render fake data. | |
--culture | A local string to specify fake data culture which defaults to "en-GB". |
--rows | The number of rows you expect which defaults to "1". |
help, --help, /? | Show help. |
version, --version, -v | Show version. |
For more deatils plsease see COMMANDLINE-ARGUMENTS.md
is based on the muenchhausen node module. A detailed API description is available at https://github.com/s-a/muenchhausen/tree/master/docs
MIT © s-a