Hello, World.
- www.ryantuck.io
- StackOverflow / @ryantuck
- Twitter / @ryntck
- GitHub / Repos
- GitHub / Gists
- Tuck's Data Plumbing
- Cups - physics simulations of rolling cups
- Rock War - board game design
- Cellular Automata - script for generating simple cellular automata a la Stephen Wolfram
- Makefile for fetching and building a list of all my Spotify playlists
- A crude Bayesian model for fantasy football prediction in pure python
- 108 words translated into 8 different languages using the Google Translate API
- Bingo probabilities in python
- Python jigsaw puzzle generator
- Notes for setting up a new macOS machine
- My Spotify Playlists
- My Roam Summary of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
- My Roam Summary of How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens
- My Notes on the Fermi Paradox
- My Notes on Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom from 2016 (holds up, even scarier now!)
- My Highlights from 120+ articles I read on my phone in 2021
- My Eulogy for my iPhone 7
- My
commit history for this file
- My 2024 resume
- My CV
curl -L ryantuck.io/resume.json | jq