A plugin to make working with the limitations of the 3DS's web browser a little easier and a website to host apps and games.
Include surii.min.js and surii.css and start coding.
The latest docs and tests are hosted at: http://surii.net/hack
The following are software quality checks that your app must pass before being hosted on surii.net.
- include surii.css
- include http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.0.min.js before the closing body tag
- include surii.min.js before the closing body tag but after jQuery
- do not include other third-party libraries such as jQuery UI
- choose one of the following configurations: ** viewport initial-scale=1, body class=tiny, exactly one div element inside body ** viewport initial-scale=1, body class=skinny, exactly two div elements inside body ** viewport initial-scale=1, body class=skinnyscroll, exactly one div element inside body ** viewport initial-scale=2, body class=tbone, exactly two div elements inside body ** viewport initial-scale=2, body class=tbonescroll, exactly two div elements inside body
- include a 48x48 pixel icon named surii-icon.png in the root of your app
- include an explicit link rel="shortcut icon"
- title should be the exact name of your app
- apps should have an "L Close" button to return to surii.net home page
- spell Friend Code as two capitalized words
- surii.friendCode and surii.nickName are read-only, do not change them
- you must have an index.html file
- all initial content (layout, images, etc.) must be local; ajax can be used to get more later
- your app folder should match your app name exactly, including case
- all app and game content should happen on one page; secondary pages (Settings, leader board lists, help) are allowed as long as Back is expected to return to the main game/app; an exception is if an app is designed main menu style where menu items move on to very different games, in this case each secondary "game" must have a link back to surii's home (done via history.go(-2))
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Copyright (c) 2012 Moose at Play Project lead by Ryan Westphal Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.