Hello! 👋 I'm Ryan, a educator and developer with a passion for learning and creating things. What things? Whatever I think is cool at the momement, really. I enjoy dabbling in new technologies and trying new things to help out myself or others.
🌍 Location: Sacramento, CA
💼 Currently working as: Teacher, Freelance Dev
Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, Svelte
Tools & Technologies: Redwood.js, Next.js, Gatsby, Node, Apollo, Prisma, MongoDB, Postgres, GraphQL
Here are some projects I'm currently working on:
Description: A classroom reward/store dashboard for teachers, with student access to view feedback and purchase classroom rewards.
Technologies Used: Redwood.js (Apollo, Prisma, Postgres, GraphQL)
Link: classkudos.com
📧 Email: ryan@doylecodes.com
💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanmdoyle/
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, collaboration ideas, or just want to connect!