This repository contains an example Dockerfile to build and run the No-IP Dynamic Update Client (DUC) in a Docker container.
**** You need to setup your DUC configuration (NUC Configuration)
- Docker installed on your system (Install Docker)
You can customize the No-IP DUC configuration by updating the following environment variables in the Dockerfile:
- DUC_HOST: The hostname or domain for your No-IP account.
- DUC_URI: The URI for downloading the No-IP DUC. You can update the version using DUC_VERSION.
- DUC_VERSION: The version of the No-IP DUC to download.
To build the Docker image, run the following command:
docker build . -t duc-docker
docker run -d --name duc-docker-container -e DUC_USERNAME=username -e DUC_PASSWORD=password duc-docker
docker logs duc-docker-container
Replace duc-docker-container with the name you want to give to your Docker container, username with your No-IP username, password with your No-IP password, and duc-docker with the name of the Docker image you built in the previous step.
The -d flag runs the container in detached mode (in the background).