I2BL potentiostat library and project.
- Create a library to easily program simple potentiostats for various voltammetry methods.
- Create a collection of tools to develop future potentiostats.
- Create a simulation suite to visualize and validate design decisions.
Go to the README.md in CAD/LTSpice folder.
Go to the tools folder for a complete collection.
Generate RC Train models of CPE elements to simulate how the readout circuit responds.
Generate PWL files to pass into a voltage source to act as the DAC.
# submodules are used in this repository for third party libraries
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:ryanchaiyakul/potentiostat.git
- Open the project in VS Code with the PlatformIO extension installed.
- Connect the Potentiostat to your computer by USB.
- Navigate to the PlatformIO panel and click "Upload" or use the Command Palette (CNTL + SHIFT + P) and select "Upload".
- Use the Serial Monitor in the terminal bar and select the baudrate of 230400.
- Differential Pulse Voltammetry
- Square Wave Voltammetry
- Cyclic Voltammetry
- 300+ Hz SWV
- OTA Configuration
- EEPROM Persistent Configuration
- BLE Integration
- Simple "Debug" Mode
- Complete Analytics in "Debug" Mode
- Unit Testing Suite
Create a valid class that inherits from Voltammetry defined in Voltammetry.h.