Fill the Square by Ryan Balieiro
A fully responsive, open-source canvas game built with JavaScript and powered by the Cocos2D-JS framework. It's lightweight, adjusts to any screen size, and features intuitive gameplay, making it easy to pick up and enjoy.
Check out the live version of the game deployed here on GitHub Pages.
- iOS 9.0+ for iPhone / iPad.
- Android 4.6.0+ for Android.
- OS X v10.9+.
- Windows 7+.
This game was created and is maintained by Ryan Balieiro. It's designed to run on web browsers and is based on the open-soruce Cocos2D framework.
The project architecture consists of two main modules:
Core Module: This is a collection of reusable features that can be used in multiple games. It includes things like generic menus, item shops, session management, API connections, loaders, achievements, leaderboards, feedback animations, and more.
FillTheSquare Module: This contains the specific game features
The game uses the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture. Each module is organized into the following groups:
- APIs: These manage OS-related tasks, like accessing the native viewport.
- Helpers: A collection of utility functions that can be used across different parts of the project.
- Loaders: Responsible for loading and unloading game resources.
- Managers: Handle things like data synchronization and session management.
- Models: Represents the game's data and business logic.
- Views: Interface components that make up the presentation layer.
- GameDelegate.js: Serves as the central presenter, acting as a bridge between the model and the view.
Code released under the MIT license.