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Authorizing controller actions

Sam Jewell edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 6 revisions

You can use the authorize! method to manually handle authorization in a controller action. This will raise a CanCan::AccessDenied exception when the user does not have permission. See Exception Handling for how to react to this.

def show
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])
  authorize! :show, @project

However that can be tedious to apply to each action. Instead you can use the load_and_authorize_resource method in your controller to load the resource into an instance variable and authorize it automatically for every action in that controller.

class ProductsController < ActionController::Base

This is the same as calling load_resource and authorize_resource because they are two separate steps and you can choose to use one or the other.

class ProductsController < ActionController::Base

As of CanCan 1.5 you can use the skip_load_and_authorize_resource, skip_load_resource or skip_authorize_resource methods to skip any of the applied behavior and specify specific actions like in a before filter. For example.

class ProductsController < ActionController::Base
  skip_authorize_resource :only => :new

Also see Controller Authorization Example, Ensure Authorization and Non RESTful Controllers.

Choosing Actions

By default this will apply to every action in the controller even if it is not one of the 7 RESTful actions. The action name will be passed in when authorizing. For example, if we have a discontinue action on ProductsController it will have this behavior.

class ProductsController < ActionController::Base
  def discontinue
    # Automatically does the following:
    # @product = Product.find(params[:id])
    # authorize! :discontinue, @product

You can specify which actions to affect using the :except and :only options, just like a before_filter.

load_and_authorize_resource :only => [:index, :show]

Choosing actions on nested resources

For this you can pass a name to skip_authorize_resource. For example:

class CommentsController < ApplicationController
  load_and_authorize_resource :post
  load_and_authorize_resource :through => :post

  skip_authorize_resource :only => :show  
  skip_authorize_resource :post, :only => :show

The first skip_authorize_resource skips authorization check for comment and the second for post. Both are needed if you want to skip all authorization checks for an action.


index action

As of 1.4 the index action will load the collection resource using accessible_by.

def index
  # @products automatically set to Product.accessible_by(current_ability)

If you want custom find options such as includes or pagination, you can build on this further since it is a scope.

def index
  @products = @products.includes(:category).page(params[:page])

The @products variable will not be set initially if Product does not respond to accessible_by (such as if you aren't using a supported ORM). It will also not be set if you are only using a block in the can definitions because there is no way to determine which records to fetch from the database.

show, edit, update and destroy actions

These member actions simply fetch the record directly.

def show
  # @product automatically set to Product.find(params[:id])

new and create actions

As of 1.4 these builder actions will initialize the resource with the attributes in the hash conditions. For example, if we have this can definition.

can :manage, Product, :discontinued => false

Then the product will be built with that attribute in the controller.

@product = => false)

This way it will pass authorization when the user accesses the new action.

The attributes are then overridden by whatever is passed by the user in params[:product].

Custom class

If the model is named differently than the controller, then you may explicitly name the model that should be loaded; however, you must specify that it is not a parent in a nested routing situation, ie:

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  load_and_authorize_resource :post, :parent => false

If the model class is namespaced differently than the controller you will need to specify the :class option.

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  load_and_authorize_resource :class => "Store::Product"

Custom find

If you want to fetch a resource by something other than id it can be done so using the find_by option.

load_resource :find_by => :permalink # will use find_by_permalink!(params[:id])

Override loading

The resource will only be loaded into an instance variable if it hasn't been already. This allows you to easily override how the loading happens in a separate before_filter.

class BooksController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :find_published_book, :only => :show


  def find_published_book
    @book = Book.released.find(params[:id])

It is important that any custom loading behavior happens before the call to load_and_authorize_resource. If you have authorize_resource in your ApplicationController then you need to use prepend_before_filter to do the loading in the controller subclasses so it happens before authorization.


Adding authorize_resource will make a before filter which calls authorize!, passing the resource instance variable if it exists. If the instance variable isn't set (such as in the index action) it will pass in the class name. For example, if we have a ProductsController it will do this before each action.

authorize!(params[:action].to_sym, @product || Product)

More info

For additional information see the load_resource and authorize_resource methods in the RDoc.

Also see Nested Resources and Non RESTful Controllers.

Resetting Current Ability

If you ever update a User record which may be the current user, it will make the current ability for that request stale. This means any can? checks will use the user record before it was updated. You will need to reset the current_ability instance so it will be reloaded. Do the same for the current_user if you are caching that too.

if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
  @current_ability = nil
  @current_user = nil
  # ...
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