Aeripy is a Python adapter for the Aeries Student Information System API. It's goal is to simplify interaction with your district's Aeries database.
This library is mostly a wrapper for the popular requests library.
Note: Aeripy is in no way affiliated with Aeries Software, Inc. This module is based on their publicly available documentation.
Aeripy is supported on Python 3.8+. The recommended way to install Aeripy is via pip.
pip install aeripy
The following example uses the Aeries demo database URL and API key. Both are found in their documentation.
To use this module with your own Aeries database, you will need your district's URL and API key. See the URL and API Key section for details.
# Aeries Demo URL and API key
hostname = ''
api_key = '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1'
# In production the URL and API key should not be hardcoded.
# For example, they can be retrieved from an environment variable
hostname = os.getenv('AERIES_URL')
api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
Create an Aeripy instance and use that to interact with the API.
from aeripy import Aeripy
aeries = Aeripy(hostname=hostname, api_key=api_key)
# Get all staff
staff_list = aeries.get_staff()
# Print the last name of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# Barrows
# Print the first name of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# James
# Print the ID of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# 994748
Check out the full documentation for a list of currently supported methods and more examples.
You must have access to the Security section in Aeries Web to obtain or create the API key.