It's a fast, free, secure, adaptive web application with PWA support.
Also, it's a fun and educational game for word lovers to test their knowledge of the languages, that allows users to create and solve challenges to find synonyms for words. We're supporting two languages and three difficulty levels.
git clone
cd synohunt
npm i
So, if you're looking for a development environment, create and set up .env.development
and if you're building a production environment, set up .env.production
by this template:
# GITHUB API (optional, it's your GitHub OAuth keys, but you can skip it if you don't have it)
AUTH_ORIGIN=your_auth_origin # in development usually it's your localhost at 3000 port
VITE_AUTH_ORIGIN=your_vite_auth_origin # in development usually it's your localhost at 3000 port
NEXTAUTH_URL=your_nextauth_url # in development usually it's your localhost at 3000 port
AUTH_SECRET=your_auth_secret # hashed string
GOOGLE_TAG=your_google_tag to analytics (optional)
# Replace the placeholders (your_github_public_client_id, your_github_client_secret, etc.) with the actual values for your environment variables. Additionally, ensure that you keep this file secure and do not share sensitive information.
After configuring your database connection:
- Run migrations to create database tables:
npx prisma migrate dev
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000
to see Synohunt in action.
- Nuxt 3: The SSR-friendly framework for building this web application.
- Vue 3: The JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces.
- Vite: A fast and efficient build tool.
- Typescript: A typed superset of JavaScript for enhanced code quality.
- Prisma: A modern database toolkit for Node.js and TypeScript.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building responsive designs.
- PrimeVue: A UI component library for Vue.js.
- PrimeFlex: A flexible CSS layout system for PrimeVue.
- Pinia: A state management solution for Vue 3.
- RSA end-to-end encryption: Used to secure user data and communication.
- Create and solve challenges to find synonyms for words.
- Support for two languages: - English and Russian for now.
- Three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard
- End-to-End Encryption: RSA secure
- Easy to Use: With a user-friendly interface and a vast database of words and synonyms, our online browser game offers endless hours of fun and learning. Join a vibrant community of language enthusiasts, compete for the top spot on the leaderboard, and discover just how expansive your vocabulary can be.
- Points and Coins system to track your progress and earn rewards.
- Leaderboard: Create a competitive element by displaying a leaderboard that ranks players based on their scores.
With the help of a Lighthouse, you can see how fast Synohunt is.
Since it's using best and modern utility-first CSS frameworks like Tailwind and PrimeFlex, Synohunt is full compatible with any device and browser.
You can actually use a Synohunt as PWA. You can build the production version and try it by yourself or try it on site.
Released under the MIT license