This plugin is used to override cterm attributes with gui attributes for all highlight groups. A workaround before 'termguiattr'.
If you use a plugin manager, such as vim-plug, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc
and execute :PlugInstall
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'rwxe/termguiattrhook'
call plug#end()
Or you can directly clone this repository and put the plugin file into the vim plugin directory, like this ~/.vim/pluggin/termguiattrhook
. Or because the plugin code is very simple, you can directly paste the code of termguiattrhook.vim
into your ~/.vimrc
CHECK English Help Documentation, or run :help termguiattrhook
after installing the plguin.
看 中文帮助文档,或是安装插件完后运行:help termguiattrhook
This plugin will achieve the following effects. For a highlighted group, if the gui
attribute is set, it will be overridden to cterm
, otherwise it will not be processed.
hi Test0 term=standout cterm=bold,underline gui=undercurl,strikethrough,italic "cterm set,gui set
hi Test1 term=standout cterm=bold,underline gui=none "cterm set,gui didn't set
hi Test2 term=standout cterm=none gui=undercurl,strikethrough,italic,bold "cterm didn't set,gui set
hi Test3 term=standout cterm=none gui=none "cterm didn't set,gui didn't set
After calling
Test0 xxx term=standout cterm=undercurl,italic,strikethrough gui=undercurl,italic,strikethrough
Test1 xxx term=standout cterm=bold,underline
Test2 xxx term=standout cterm=bold,undercurl,italic,strikethrough gui=bold,undercurl,italic,strikethrough
Test3 xxx term=standout