vl4s is a tool for automatically generating a Scala library via which interactive plots can be generated conforming to the Vega-Lite specification.
vl4s is intended to allow the JSON schema provided by Vega-Lite to be converted into a Scala API which provides natural, and type-safe, ways of describing plots in Scala and emitting Vega-Lite JSON documents that can be embedded in web-pages. This is an alternative approach to that of Vegas, and Argus, aiming to create a DSL that is closer to the structure of the underlying JSON schema (hence, hopefully, easier to document) and allowing export of a json4s datastructure that could be customized by the user.
The build-system is managed by SBT, and consists of two projects:
- the "root" project, which must be compiled and run to generate the file "vl4s/src/main/scala/auto-vega.scala" from either the upstream VegaLite schema based on a version-number supplied with the "-V" command-line argument, or a local copy of a schema file (e.g. "v2.1.3.json")
- the "vl4s" project, which will build the VegaLite API itself, and allows creation of VegaLite JSON documents from a user-supplied plot specification.
The tool supports the entire Vega-Lite 2.4 grammar, including generation of interactive line plots, and histograms with aggregation operations, repeats, selections, etc.
Given a tab-separated datafile representing the sizes of packages in a Debian system, one can generate an interactive Vega-Lite plot using a recipe such as:
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.{ pretty, render }
import uk.rwpenney.vl4s._
import uk.rwpenney.vl4s.ShortcutImplicits._
val spec = SimpleSpec() .
data("apt-package-sizes.tsv") .
Map("chosen" -> SingleSelection() .
encodings(Seq(SingleDefChannel.color)) .
vtype(SingleSelection_type.single))) .
mark(Mark.bar) .
encoding(EncodingWithFacet() .
>> { enc => enc .
x(enc.XYaxisDef .
axis(Axis() .
title("log(size)")) .
field("logSize") .
vtype(BasicType.quantitative) .
bin(BinParams() .
maxbins(20))) .
y(enc.XYaxisDef .
axis(Axis() .
title("count")) .
field("*") .
vtype(BasicType.quantitative) .
aggregate(AggregateOp.count)) .
color(MarkPropValueDefWithCondition() .
condition(ConditionalSelection_MarkPropFieldDef_() .
field("simpleSection") .
selection("chosen") .
vtype(BasicType.nominal)) .
val json = spec.toJValue
This will generate a JSON document of the following form:
Alternatively, one can use the methods in the ExportImplicits object
to wrap this in an HTML <div>
for inclusion in a web-page.
There are more examples
beneath the vl4s-demo source directory.