Tool for downloading material sets off of AmbientCG.
Usage: cgrip [OPTIONS] ID...
cgrip 0.1.1
Downloads materials using ids ID... off of AmbientCG. If specific material maps
are not specified to be saved, cgrip downloads the albedo by default.
optional arguments
-h, --help
Show usage information.
-o, --output OUTPUT
Outputs processed image file to dir OUTPUT.
-v, --verbose
Turn on extra debug printing. Floods console.
-q, --quality QUALITY
Save materials of specific quality. options: 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K. default: 1K
-a, --all
Save all material maps found in the zips.
-z, --zip [DIR]
Save material zip file, optionally to dir DIR. default: OUTPUT
-s, --downscale SIZE
Downscale exported matmaps. format: WxH
--quantize [PALETTE]
Quantize with given palette or the default Aseprite palette.
--macro SCALE
When downscaling, multiply the size of non-albedo maps by this.
Generate Godot 4 materials alongside the textures.
Generate any in-game materials to use nearest filtering instead of linear.
Save ambientocclusion matmap.
-c, --color
Save color/albedo matmap. True by default if nothing specified.
-d, --disp
Save displacement matmap.
-e, --emission
Save emission matmap
-m, --metalness
Save metalness matmap
Save opacity matmap
Instead of saving opacity matmap, applies it to the colormap.
-r, --roughness
Save roughness matmap
-n, --normal [TYPE]
options: NONE, GL, DX, BOTH. unsupplied: NONE, otherwise default: GL
Force cgrip to not output terminal color. Fixes odd terminal output.
Download Marble001 to Marble001.png in the cwd, for example:
cgrip Marble001
Download Fabric076 and Fabric077 albedo, GL normal, and roughness maps to a
cgrip -ofabric -crngl Fabric076 Fabric077
Advanced usage: downscale the two from before and generate Godot 4 materials alongside them.
cgrip -s256x256 -ofabric --nearest --gen-godot4 -cmrngl Fabric076 Fabric077
Only supports Linux as of now. Required packages are libarchive
and libcurl
On an Arch-based distribution (you probably already have these packages):
pacman -S curl libarchive