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dstock edited this page Jul 13, 2012 · 4 revisions

Possible Papers


How do the uncertainties on line measurements vary with different tools for measuring them? E.g. Dipso, IRAF, MIDAS.. Possibly make some kind of baseline model fit in scipy to compare them all to? What is the correct way of doing it?

Ways to measure lines

  • IRAF
  • PyRAF
  • Other Starlink?
  • IDL
  • IDL/PAN?

Pros: Easy, interesting, uses the word meta.

Cons: what is correct? Quantifying the differences is not necessarily going to be enough.._

The rate of change of uncertainty with exposure time

Find a deep line list in the literature that was made up of many shorter integrations. Make a linelist for each combination, e.g. 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3,.... N. Run each line list through NEAT and make a plot of uncertainty on the derived quantities versus time. See if they all behave similarly?

Pros: Awesome plot to finish on.

Cons: Constructing all the line lists will be soul destroying.

IFU Observations?

Take some massive datacube of a PNe and run NEAT on each pixel. Produce maps of every derived quantity.

Pros: Awesome.

Cons: Difficult.