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Plugin-based Java man in the middle proxy for the flash game Realm of the Mad God

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JRelay Beta 1.5.3 - RotMG X31.5.0

A plugin-based Java man in the middle proxy for the browser flash game Realm of the Mad God

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Plugin Creation
  3. How To Use JRelay
  4. Useful Data and Fields
  5. Event Utils
  6. Creating Custom Tile & Object Maps


JRelay is a man in the middle proxy for the popular flash browser game Realm of Mad God. JRelay's intended use is for users to create plugins that intercept and modify the games data which is transmitted in objects called Packets. JRelay is written in Java meaning it is platform independent so long as you have a compatible JRE installed on your Operating System. JRelay requires Java 1.8+ to run.

Project Structure

Functionality of JRelay is built using Java Socket IO to communicate with your RotMG client and Deca's game servers. JRelay incorporates aspects of pre-existing RotMG proxies with the added benefit of platofm independence.

JRelay incorporates a modular plugin implementation system allowing third parties to write their own plugins to manipulate the game's data.

JRelay distribution consist of two components: the JRelay proxy itself as well as JRelayLib which is the library meant to be referenced for 3rd party plugin development.

JRelay is built using Maven for Spring Tool Suite and makes use of the following dependencies:

  • Dom4J 1.6.1
  • Genson 1.4
  • Jaxen 1.6
  • Google Guava

Deploying JRelay

How to get JRelay up and running on your system.

Windows Users:

Please feel free to use the following pre-written batch script as well as add your own custom JVM arguments:

java -jar /path/to/JRelay.jar

Otherwise you can simply double click JRelay.jar to start JRelay

Mac/Linux Users:

Asuming Java 1.8+ is installed on your machine, you can simply execute JRelay.jar from the download directory.

Plugin Creation

As mentioned, JRelay supports the implementation of User created plugins. The support for users to create thier own plugins will be made avaialable through acessing the distributed JRelayLib.jar library. JRelayLib contains all essential data and methods neccesarry to create your very own JRelay plugins.

Plugin creation has been made a streamlined and easy as possible even for novice developers. JRelay plugins can be writtin in any IDE such as Eclipse, Net Beans, Spring Tool Suite (STS) or even a simple Text Editor. I highly recommend Spring Tool Suite and Eclipse as the tutorial I provide will be a one-to-one translation in terms of the steps taken to create a plugin.


1) Create a new Java Project by navigating to New > Project in Eclipse or STS and selecting the Java Project creation wizard.

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2) Create a new Java Class file that will represent your plugin by right clicking on your projects src folder and selecting New > Class You can name it whatever you like however, it's best to use proper naming conventions.

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3) Add a reference to your project that allows you to access the important methods and functions of JRelayLib.jar by right clicking on your plugin project and navigating to Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add External Jars

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4) Locate JRelayLib.jar on your file system and add it to your projects referenced external libraries. This will allow you to incorporate methods for intercepting and manipulating game data. You should now see JRelayLib.jar under the list of libraries included in your project.

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5) Your project setup should now look as follows.

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6) You will now need to create a package within the source folder to contain your plugin class. The reason for this is that JRelay loads plugins from the plugins directory. With how Java class files are compiled this is a necessary step to ensure that JRelay's plugin loading system detects your plugin.

Right-Click on the src folder of your Java project and navigate to New > Package. It is essential to name this package plugins.

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7) Create a new Java Class within the plugins package. This class will extend the functionality of JRelay's included JPlugin type. A type extending JPlugin requires the structure shown below in order to work with JRelay's plugin system.

If you are using an IDE, the compiler will complain that you have unimplemented methods and unimported libraries but will auto include them for you if you wish.

If you don't plan on using an IDE for developing JRelay plugins please follow the proper plugin structure defined below:

Please note that ALL overidden methods must return a NON-NULL value. In the example below we have created a plugin class called MyPlugin.

import com.relay.User;

public class MyPlugin extends JPlugin{

	public MyPlugin(User user) {
	public void attach() {
		//Attach packet and command hooks here
	public String getAuthor() {
		return "";
	public String[] getCommands() {
		return new String[]{};
	public String getDescription() {
		return "";
	public String getName() {
		return "";

	public String[] getPackets() {
		return String[]{};


A plugin built using the superclass JPlugin requires the following methods as determined by its class heiarchy:

public interface PluginData {
	public void attach();
	public String getAuthor();
	public String getName();
	public String getDescription();
	public String[] getCommands();
	public String[] getPackets();

8) Hooking packets, commands and adding your own code to your JRelay plugin.

All plugin related hooking into packets and user commands handled by JRelay is done within your plugin's attach() method.

Within the attach() method you have the option to bind user commands or set up Packets to trigger events. These two means of proxy data manipulation are available to the plugin creater through the methods

	hookPacket(PacketType type, Class<? extends JPlugin> location, String callback);
	hookCommand(String command, Class<? extends JPlugin> location, String callback);

9) Methods for hooking commands and packets and their parameters.

  • For Packets

     @param(type)     //enum value of type PacketType.
     @param(location) //Your plugin's Class (MyPlugin.class)
     @param(callback) //The method to invoke when PacketType is captured by JRelay. 
     		 //This method will receive an instance of the packet captured.
     hookPacket(PacketType type, Class<? extends JPlugin> location, String callback);	  
  • For Commands

     @param(command)  //User command to trigger your plugin
     @param(location) //Your plugin's Class (MyPlugin.class)
     @param(callback) //The method to invoke when your command is invoked. 
     		 //This method will receive a copy of the command.
     		 //As well as any arguments passed by the user	
     hookCommand(String command, Class<? extends JPlugin> location, String callback);  

10) Implement your own custom packet and command handlers for your new plugin. Continue reading to learn more about the powerful tools within JRelay and how to make use of them to manipulate the game's data.

11) Including your plugin in JRelay. To add your plugin into JRelay you need to compile your plugin class and add it to the plugins directory of JRelay.

If you used an IDE, export your plugin as a jar and extract the individual class file from it.

Please look up how to compile Java source code into Class files if this is confusing.

Using JRelay

This section will show you how to make use of and implement JRelays command and packet hooking features.

Example Packet Hook

We will now take a look at an example how you can hook a callback function to the game's UpdatePacket:

Example from JRelay.Glow plugin included with release.

public void attach() {
	user.hookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, Glow.class, "onUpdatePacket");		

We have hooked PacketType.UPDATE to trigger the method onUpdatePacket() within our plugin titled Glow as seen by referencing Glow.class as the second argument for the hookPacket method. It is VERY important to ensure your class location matches the name of the compilation unit for your plugin otherwise JRelay will not be able to detect your packet and command hooks.

After we have hooked our packet to its callback method we must then include the method itself within our plugin. This is accomplished by simply including a public void method that shares the same name ("onUpdatePacket") as the callback you specified in your hook.

Your callback must take an argument for type com.models.Packet which the only parameter passed into the callback function is the packet that was captured. Continuing the example above, it would look like so:

public void onUpdatePacket(Packet p){
	UpdatePacket update = (UpdatePacket)p;

         for (int i = 0; i < update.newObjs.length; i++)
             if (update.newObjs[i].status.objectId == user.playerData.ownerObjectId)
                 for (int j = 0; j < update.newObjs[i]; j++)
                     if (update.newObjs[i][j].id == 59)
                         update.newObjs[i][j].intValue = 100;

While Packet is a generic superclass of all Packets sent and received by the server you may freely cast the received packet parameter to the type expected as seen on line 2 of the above example.

UpdatePacket update = (UpdatePacket)p;

This is the case with most all packet hoooking routines.

Example Command Hook

We will now look at an example how you can hook a command to a callback method:

Example from JRelay.Core plugin included with release.

public void attach() {
	user.hookCommand("hi", Core.class, "onHiCommand");		

We have hooked the text command "hi" to the callback function onHiCommand() within our plugin class Core. This means that when the user types /hi in chat in-game, the code within your plugin will be executed. Again it is important to ensure your class location matches the name of the compilation unit for your plugin.

Like packet hooks, after we have hooked our command to its callback method we must then include the method itself within our plugin. This is accomplished by simply including a public void method that shares the same name ("onHiCommand") as the callback you specified in your hook.

Unlike packet hook callbacks, command hook callbacks will be passed two parameters: A String containing the command invoked and a String[] containing the command and all arguments included with the command. It looks as follows:

Example from JRelay.Glow plugin included with release. Command arguments are space delimited

public void onHiCommand(String command, String[] args){
		TextPacket packet = EventUtils.createText("hi", "Too few argumenets /hi [on/off]");
	}else if(args[1].equals("on")){
		TextPacket packet = EventUtils.createText("hi", "Hello! heres some player data: name="" 				fame="+user.playerData.characterFame);
	}else if(args[1].equals("off")){
		TextPacket packet = EventUtils.createText("hi", "Hello! no player data requested");

Understanding Packet Manipulation

Once you have set up your own plugin to run with JRelay, it is important to know a little about the process of packet capture and manipulation in order to create effective plugins.

Assuming no NIO/Networking knowledge. Skip this if you are experienced.

Capturing Packets

Packets are simple containers for data exchanged between the RotMG client and Deca's servers. Some packets are only sent from the client to the server while some are only sent from the server to the client.

Each Packet's data fields and transmission source can be viewed under the Packets tab of the JRelayGUI. When capturing packets and manipulating their data there are a few important things to note:

  1. Because packet hook callbacks are passed a generic untyped packet, The generic packet must be cast to the desired packet type.

  2. If you chose to capture AND MODIFY a packet you MUST explicitly send the modified packet to its required destination using sendToClient(Packet packet) or sendToServer(Packet packet)

  3. If you wish to capture a specific packet and STOP its transmission, change the Packet's boolean send; field to false.

  4. Any packet can be created at any time using Packet.create(byte id) or Packet.create(PacketType type) or by simply constructing a new packet object.

HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) Packet.create(PacketType.HELLO);

HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) Packet.create(30);

  1. Sending the wrong packet to the wrong place or with unexpected data will disconnect you.
  2. Spamming packets will get you BANNED BY DECA*

Useful Data and Fields

There are a number of extremely useful data collections in JRelay to help you write plugins. This section will detail the data you can access and the means by which to do so.

All enumerations also contain a static hashmap of their values if you prefer to access the data that way


The GameData class contains useful mappings of all of RotMG's out of the box xml data.

These data sets are stored in Java HashMap objects. A HashMap is a one-to-one map of keys to values. When JRelay runs it will create object models of all entities within the game's XML. The XML of the entitity will be serialized into raw data and constructed into a model representing the entity. A map of the entity's ID(byte/int) AND name(String) to the Java model will be created. Once you have started JRelay and loaded all game assets, you can access any of this data statically within your plugins.

Be wary however, since you have full access to these maps, it is up to the user to handle cases where finding items by name or id return a null result.

public static HashMap<Integer, Item> items = new HashMap<Integer,Item>();
public static HashMap<String, Item> nameToItem = new HashMap<String,Item>();
public static HashMap<Integer, Tile> tiles = new HashMap<Integer,Tile>();
public static HashMap<String, Tile> nameToTile = new HashMap<String,Tile>();
public static HashMap<Integer, Object> objects = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
public static HashMap<String, Object> nameToObject = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public static HashMap<Byte, PacketModel> packets = new HashMap<Byte,PacketModel>();
public static HashMap<String, Server> abbrToServer = new HashMap<String,Server>();
public static HashMap<String, Server> servers = new HashMap<String,Server>();
public static HashMap<Integer, PacketModel> packetIdToName = new HashMap<Integer,PacketModel>();
public static HashMap<String, Integer> packetNameToId = new HashMap<String,Integer>();

There are maps for id -> model and name -> model meaning that you can search for entities using their ID or Name. This can be extremely useful when manipulating tiles and objects. Example:

int sand = GameData.nameToTile.get("Light Sand").id;
int sand2 = GameData.nameToTile.get("Dark Sand").id;

Packet Type

PacketType is an enumeration of RotMG's server and client packets referenced by packet ID.


ConditionEffects & ConditionEffectIndex

ConditionEffect and ConditionEffectIndex are enumerations containing RotMG's status effects.

They are both very similar but should be used in different cases. ConditionEffect values should be used in conjunction with PlayerDatas hasConditionEffect(ConditionEffect condition) method.

ConditionEffectIndex should be used to compare any packets effect field. For instance:

//Check if the player's armor is broken
boolean armorBroken = user.playerData.hasConditionEffect(ConditionEffect.ArmorBroken);

//Simulate AOEPacket capture and check if it will break the players armor
AOEPacket aeo = new AOEPacket();
boolean armorBroken = false;
if (aeo.effect == ConditionEffectIndex.ArmorBroken.index) {
	armorBroken = true;


EffectType is an enumeration containing visual effects for RotMG. I've personally never played around with these but I beleive they are used in the server ShowEffectPackets effect field.



PetAbility is an enumeration of all avaiable pet abilities.



StatsType is an type containing all possible fields that might be updated in an UPDATE packet. It also contains useful methods for comparing and checking Stats.

public static StatsType MaximumHP = new StatsType(0);
public static StatsType HP = new StatsType(1);
public static StatsType Size = new StatsType(2);
public static StatsType MaximumMP = new StatsType(3);
public static StatsType MP = new StatsType(4);
public static StatsType NextLevelExperience = new StatsType(5);
public static StatsType Experience = new StatsType(6);
public static StatsType Level = new StatsType(7);
public static StatsType Inventory0 = new StatsType(8);
public static StatsType Inventory1 = new StatsType(9);
public static StatsType Inventory2 = new StatsType(10);
public static StatsType Inventory3 = new StatsType(11);
public static StatsType Inventory4 = new StatsType(12);
public static StatsType Inventory5 = new StatsType(13);
public static StatsType Inventory6 = new StatsType(14);
public static StatsType Inventory7 = new StatsType(15);
public static StatsType Inventory8 = new StatsType(16);
public static StatsType Inventory9 = new StatsType(17);
public static StatsType Inventory10 = new StatsType(18);
public static StatsType Inventory11 = new StatsType(19);
public static StatsType Attack = new StatsType(20);
public static StatsType Defense = new StatsType(21);
public static StatsType Speed = new StatsType(22);
public static StatsType Vitality = new StatsType(26);
public static StatsType Wisdom = new StatsType(27);
public static StatsType Dexterity = new StatsType(28);
public static StatsType Effects = new StatsType(29);
public static StatsType Stars = new StatsType(30);
public static StatsType Name = new StatsType(31); //Is UTF
public static StatsType Texture1 = new StatsType(32);
public static StatsType Texture2 = new StatsType(33);
public static StatsType MerchandiseType = new StatsType(34);
public static StatsType Credits = new StatsType(35);
public static StatsType MerchandisePrice = new StatsType(36);
public static StatsType PortalUsable = new StatsType(37); 
public static StatsType AccountId = new StatsType(38); //Is UTF
public static StatsType AccountFame = new StatsType(39);
public static StatsType MerchandiseCurrency = new StatsType(40);
public static StatsType ObjectConnection = new StatsType(41);
public static StatsType MerchandiseRemainingCount = new StatsType(42);
public static StatsType MerchandiseRemainingMinutes = new StatsType(43);
public static StatsType MerchandiseDiscount = new StatsType(44);
public static StatsType MerchandiseRankRequirement = new StatsType(45);
public static StatsType HealthBonus = new StatsType(46);
public static StatsType ManaBonus = new StatsType(47);
public static StatsType AttackBonus = new StatsType(48);
public static StatsType DefenseBonus = new StatsType(49);
public static StatsType SpeedBonus = new StatsType(50);
public static StatsType VitalityBonus = new StatsType(51);
public static StatsType WisdomBonus = new StatsType(52);
public static StatsType DexterityBonus = new StatsType(53);
public static StatsType OwnerAccountId = new StatsType(54); //Is UTF
public static StatsType RankRequired = new StatsType(55);
public static StatsType NameChosen = new StatsType(56);
public static StatsType CharacterFame = new StatsType(57);
public static StatsType CharacterFameGoal = new StatsType(58);
public static StatsType Glowing = new StatsType(59);
public static StatsType SinkLevel = new StatsType(60);
public static StatsType AltTextureIndex = new StatsType(61);
public static StatsType GuildName = new StatsType(62); //Is UTF
public static StatsType GuildRank = new StatsType(63);
public static StatsType OxygenBar = new StatsType(64);
public static StatsType XpBoosterActive = new StatsType(65);
public static StatsType XpBoostTime = new StatsType(66);
public static StatsType LootDropBoostTime = new StatsType(67);
public static StatsType LootTierBoostTime = new StatsType(68);
public static StatsType HealthPotionCount = new StatsType(69);
public static StatsType MagicPotionCount = new StatsType(70);
public static StatsType Backpack0 = new StatsType(71);
public static StatsType Backpack1 = new StatsType(72);
public static StatsType Backpack2 = new StatsType(73);
public static StatsType Backpack3 = new StatsType(74);
public static StatsType Backpack4 = new StatsType(75);
public static StatsType Backpack5 = new StatsType(76);
public static StatsType Backpack6 = new StatsType(77);
public static StatsType Backpack7 = new StatsType(78);
public static StatsType HasBackpack = new StatsType(79);
public static StatsType Skin = new StatsType(80);
public static StatsType PetInstanceId = new StatsType(81);
public static StatsType PetName = new StatsType(82); //Is UTF
public static StatsType PetType = new StatsType(83);
public static StatsType PetRarity = new StatsType(84);
public static StatsType PetMaximumLevel = new StatsType(85);
public static StatsType PetFamily = new StatsType(86); 
public static StatsType PetPoints0 = new StatsType(87);
public static StatsType PetPoints1 = new StatsType(88);
public static StatsType PetPoints2 = new StatsType(89);
public static StatsType PetLevel0 = new StatsType(90);
public static StatsType PetLevel1 = new StatsType(91);
public static StatsType PetLevel2 = new StatsType(92);
public static StatsType PetAbilityType0 = new StatsType(93);
public static StatsType PetAbilityType1 = new StatsType(94);
public static StatsType PetAbilityType2 = new StatsType(95);
public static StatsType Effects2 = new StatsType(96); // Other Effects
public static StatsType FortuneTokens = new StatsType(97);

This is very useful for keeping track of certain aspects of the player anytime a packet containing a Status field is intercepted (UpdatePacket, NewTickPacket). The Status type contains a StatData[]. The id field of StatData can be compared with StatsType to cherry-pick the data you are looking for.


BagType is an enumeration containing the different types of loot bags in RotMG.



An instance of PlayerData is created when you connect to JRelay. PlayerData keeps track of all player related stats. All information in PlayerData is automatically kept up to date.

public int ownerObjectId;
public String mapName;
public boolean teleportAllowed;
public int mapWidth;
public int mapHeight;
public int maxHealth;
public int health;
public int maxMana;
public int mana;
public int xpGoal;
public int xp;
public int level = 1;
public int[] slot = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
public int[] backPack = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
public int attack;
public int defense;
public int speed;
public int vitality;
public int wisdom;
public int dexterity;
public int effects;
public int stars;
public String name;
public int realmGold;
public int price;
public boolean canEnterPortal;
public String accountId;
public int accountFame;
public int healthBonus;
public int manaBonus;
public int attackBonus;
public int defenseBonus;
public int speedBonus;
public int vitalityBonus;
public int wisdomBonus;
public int dexterityBonus;
public int nameChangeRankRequired;
public boolean nameChosen;
public int characterFame;
public int characterFameGoal;
public boolean glowingEffect;
public String guildName;
public int guildRank;
public int breath;
public int healthPotionCount;
public int magicPotionCount;
public boolean hasBackpack;
public int skin;
public Location pos = new Location();
public CharacterClass cls;

Event Utils

JRelay comes with a few helper methods for creating player text and notifications. These are static methods contained within the EventUtils class. Use event utils to make it easier to send chat and notifications to the client.

*@param objectId - game object ID to display the notification on. Commonly user.playerData.ownerObjectId
*@param message - notification text
public static NotificationPacket createNotification(int objectId, String message) {}
*@param sender - the sender of the message to be displayed in chat.
*@param text - chat text
public static TextPacket createText(String sender, String text) {}

sendToClient(EventUtils.createNotification(user.playerData.ownerObjectId, "Example Notification"));

sendToClient(EventUtils.createText("sender", "Example Chat Message"));		

Create Custom Tile & Object Maps

JRelay allows the user to define custom tile and object mappings allowing users to give the game their own personal look. JRelay object maps are written in XML and employ a custom syntax for managing mapping of multiple object to multiple other objects. All JRelay object maps are defined in xml/maps.xml.

Example Map:

  <Map id="tileMap">
    <TileMap />
    <Entry start="Light Sand:Dark Sand" end="OceanFloor" />

This map replaces all tiles that are Light & Dark Sand with OceanFloor tile from OT. Result: alt text

Creating Your Own Object Map Definition

  1. To define your own map, within the <Maps></Maps>tag found in xml/maps.xml, create an entry of type <Map></Map>. If you wish to name your map specify its id using <Map id="myCustomMap"></Map>.

  2. Choose weather your map will be an ObjectMap or a TileMap. Tile Maps are used to replace game tiles with other tiles while Object Maps are used to replace game object with other objects. Ex. You cant change Sand to be Medusas, the game wont like you very much. Add your corresponding map type entry to your <Map> as <TileMap/> or <ObjectMap/>.

  3. Underneath your map type declaration add a tag type <Entry/>. The entry tag has two attributes: start and end. Both tags are required and should be filled with corresponding tiles and object mapping syntax. You can have as many entries per map as you like.

  4. If you want to create a TileMap check out the 'xml/tiles.xml' for some neat substitutions for tiles in game

  5. For Object maps, anything and everything might go. ObjectMaps carry a high risk of getting disconnected... Especially if you replace all nexus tiles with Medusas

Object Map Syntax

JRelay object maps use a custom syntax to make your life easier. There are three main parts to object map syntax.

  • The : operator denotes an "AND" operation. Restricted to start tag of your entry. Replace multiple objects at once.
  • The # operator denotes an "OR" operation. Restricted to end tag or your entry. Define multiple replacing objects. Each object separated has 1/n chance of replacing the object defined in start where n = # of objects.
  • The * operator denotes a "Wildcard" operator. Meaning you can replace ALL tiles or ALL objects with specified object(s),


Plugin-based Java man in the middle proxy for the flash game Realm of the Mad God







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