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Administer the My Car app's data. This project is the third milestone in obtaining a Full Stack Web Development diploma from Code Institute. A CRUD web application written in Python with Flask framework on MongoDB-Atlas database, styled with Material Design Bootstrap.


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Track the cost and fuel consumption of the fleet of cars in the family! While recording transactions is straightforward for all family members, there are administrative aspects of the database, which need steady hands. Hence I wrote this CRUD web application to maintain the My Car app's database. Inspired by my own car cost tracking spreadsheets. (the My Car app itself is a separate development endeavour).

My aim with this project is to demonstrate backend development skills, REST API usage and CRUD operations on Non-SQL database. It is written in Python using Flask and MongoDB-Atlas, styled with Material Design Bootstrap. This project is my third milestone in obtaining the Full Stack Web Development diploma from Code Institute

the web page on different devices

A live demo can be found - here, use username/password: user1/user1 for a normal user or admin/admin for an administrator.

The Project Repository can be found - here


0. Data structures design

Let's briefly introduce the data structures of the My Car application. It is necessary to learn some features to understand the reason behind arrangements in the data.

The main entity is the Car. We want to collect financial transactions occurring around cars in order to answer such questions

  • What is the fuel economy look like, how much fuel it consumes on a set distance or how much distance it can take on a set amount of fuel?
  • How much do we spend on the car to run daily, monthly, yearly?
  • How much does it cost to run 100 km?
  • How much is the book value of the car today?

Here is the database schema in relational terms: database schema

0.1 Transaction

So in order to calculate all of that, we need to record the following things about a Transaction:

  • which car it relates to,
  • when did it happen
  • who was the business partner on the other end of the transaction
  • description to record details which does not conform to any other transaction details
  • what material/service was involved - to be able to separate operating and capital expenses
  • how much quantity and what unit - for various reasons
  • What was the price in what currency? - for expense calculation
  • to keep track the run distances between refuellings, we need the status of the odometer when it happened

0.2 Car

In the Car entity we need a couple of identifiers:

  • a picture for visuals
  • a name and description
  • a plate number for official records

For keeping track of the distance run and calculate fuel consumption:

  • in what country was the car registered in - this determines the reporting currency, in which currency the car's statistics are aggregated
  • unit of the odometer, is it km or miles?
  • what fuel material do we need: petrol or gasoline? or perhaps electricity? - this can pull in the fuel material into the transaction
  • what unit do we want to see the fuel consumption in: L/100km or miles/gallon?

0.3 Country

To be able to record registration country, we need the Country entity, in which we store

  • country's standard sign. e.g. IE, HU
  • description
  • official currency for payment - this can go into the transaction as default value
  • official distance keeping unit on roads, e.g. km for IE, miles for NI
  • in what unit the liquid fuel sold, liter or gallon?

0.4 Currency

To be able to record fiscal values in different countries, we need to set up Currencies:

  • 3 characters ISO designation,
  • description
  • 1 or 2 character short sign in local abbreviation or characters

0.5 Currency Conversions

If we take the car out of the registration country, we might need to pay in a different currency. To be able to aggregate fiscal values in the registration country's currency, we need to convert currency values, hence the Currency Conversions collection which consist of

  • validity date of the conversion rate
  • source currency
  • target currency
  • exchange rate: unit source currency value expressed in target currency value, e.g. 1 EUR => 0.89080 GBP on 01/01/2018

For simplicity, we allow the conversion calculation in both directions, e.g the GBP->EUR rate will serve for the EUR->GBP conversion as well. Furthermore, any rate is valid from the validity date until a newer rate is recorded. This way we do not need a rate for every day, but we could have.

0.6 Image

This is a collection only concerned about images. It stores them in the DB as opposed to a possible file system storage. This puts a limit on possible file sizes of 5MB. If an entity has an image associated, this collection provides a unique ID for that entity so the image will not be stored in the entity itself.

  • Images also stores the original file name the image was uploaded with

0.7 User-Car

A car can be driven by several people. To distinguish which user can record transactions to which car, we need a User-Car relationship record. In that we store

  • the user
  • the car
  • the relationship the user has with a car

0.8 Relationship Type

The relationship of a user with a car is described with a Relationship Type, utilized in Users-Cars collection. It is a simple lookup table with

  • relationship name
  • relationship description

0.9 Partner

A Parter identifies a business or government entity who we paid for goods or service. It has

  • name
  • description
  • country - this pulls in the default currency into the transaction recording
  • address - this clarifies, exactly in which Tesco store we bought the windscreen wiper

0.10 Material

This is the thing we buy or pay for during a transaction. We keep it simple, oly have 3 fields:

  • material name
  • description
  • material type - allows grouping of materials of the same type

0.11 Expenditure Type

The Expenditure Types has 2 entries so far

Expenditure Name Description
OP operational expense
CAP capital expense

0.12 Material Type

The Material Type gives two attribute to materials:

  • measure type: how do we measure the quantity, e.g. by volume or distance?
  • in what part of the expense calculation we will aggregate the value paid for this type of material: capital or operating expense

Also we need

  • material type name
  • material type description

0.13 Measure Type

Measure Type determines the approach to how we measure something. These are the entries in the Measure Types collection:

Measure Type Name Description
CNT count
VOL volume
MASS mass
DIST distance
AREA area
FECO fuel economy
CURR currency
TIME time

0.14 Unit of Measure

A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity -- from wikipedia

We use it in quantifying the purchase, the distance taken, the fuel consumption, etc. For us it is

  • a name,
  • a description,
  • and a measure type

Here are 2 example records from the collection:

Name Description Measure Type
km Kilometre DIST
L Litre VOL

0.15 Unit Conversion

When we have two Unit of Measures of the same type, we want to know how many units of A equals units of B. This collection stores some prominent conversion rates, like km <-> miles

  • source unit of measure
  • target unit of measure
  • conversion factor

0.16 User

We see earlier, that if we want users to restrict access to cars, we set up User-Car relationships. The User part from that is identified here:

  • user name - for identification in the app
  • password - secret key for authentication
  • does the user have administrative privileges
  • who created or later modified this user record
  • when was the last change on this user record

0.17 Fieldcatalog

The data structure descriptors of every collection are stored in the Fieldcatalog collection. The following example describes the User entity.

{ "collection_name": "users",
  "entity_name":     "user",
  "description":     "Users",
  "admin":           true,
  "buffered":        true,
  "fields": [
    { "name": "username",         "heading": "User Name",      "input_type": "text",      "unique": true },
    { "name": "password",         "heading": "Password",       "input_type": "password",  "attributes": "autocomplete=new-password" },
    { "name": "user_is_admin",    "heading": "Administrator?", "input_type": "checkbox" },
    { "name": "date_time_insert", "heading": "Registered",     "input_type": "timestamp_insert" },
    { "name": "date_time_update", "heading": "Updated",        "input_type": "timestamp_update" },
    { "name": "changed_by",       "heading": "Changed By",     "input_type": "changedby", "values": "users" }
  "select_field": "username"

0.18 Note on foreign keys

The data is stored in a Mongo database where the unit of storage is document. Every document has a unique identifier, in the DB it has the _id name. The documents are stored in collections. In our data structure we equate an entity representative with a document. E.g. one Car is stored as a document. Many representatives of the same entity are stored in the Cars collection.

If one entity refers to another entity with an attribute, we call that attribute as foreign key. E.g. one User-Car relationship contains 3 foreign keys: User, Car and Relationship Type. We store these references to the foreign entities by their _id So instead of having a (user_id:user1, car_id:yaris, relationship_id:owner) we store (user_id: 611986fa17a24010b762fd6c, car_id: 611986fe17a24010b762fd7c, relationship_id: 611986f917a24010b762fd69) where 611986fa17a24010b762fd6c refers to the _id of user1 in Users, 611986fe17a24010b762fd7c refers to the _id of yaris in Cars and 611986f917a24010b762fd69 refers to the _id of owner in Relationship Types.

1. User Experience design

1.1 Strategy Plane

Stakeholders of the website:

  • members of a family or employee of small enterprise with a pool of cars
  • chosen persons to perform certain database entry maintenance for the benefit of other users within the group
  • developer of the My Car application

1.1.1 Goals and Objectives of Stakeholders (users)

User Goals, Needs, Objectives
all facilitate the maintanence on a computer screen of data under the My Car application
all only authorized user may modify data in the database
normal allow to maintain the Partners and Transactions collections, but nothing else
normal normal user can only record Transactions for cars assigned to them
admin allow to perform every operation what and how a normal user can do
admin allow to maintain every data in the database
developer users can not modify the data structures of the My Car app
developer keep the admin functionality flexible, so future enhancements in data would require minimal changes here

1.2 Scope plane

It has been decided to create a web application to serve and fulfill the goals and needs of the users.

This is the list of planned features:

  • users are identified by user name, it must be unique in the Users collection
  • users are authenticated by entered username/password against stored values at log in
  • a username and a password can be 5-15 characters long
  • users can log out
  • new normal user can be registered, an administrative user can not be registered
  • a normal user can be promoted to an administrator user
  • an administrator can be demoted to a normal user
  • a normal user can change its own password
  • an administrator user can change any user's password in the Users collection
  • a normal user can create, modify or delete any record in Partners collection
  • a normal user can create, modify or delete records in Transactions if the Transaction's car associated with the User in the Users-Cars collection
  • the list of Transactions on the Maintain Transactions page can be filtered with single car values, but only those Cars can be selected which are associated with the User in the Users-Cars collection
  • an administrative user can create, modify or delete any record in any collection
  • every web page has a sticky navigation bar on the top of the page
  • every page has a flash messages section which is only revealed if the previous operation generated one or more messages
  • the Home page without logged in user shows no information from the database
  • the Home page with logged in user shows links in the navbar to the maintenance of Partners and Transactions collections
  • the Home page with logged in user shows a list of Cars and their data
  • the Home page with logged in administrative user also provides links for the maintenance of all collections
  • the Maintenance page of any collection has a uniform way of listing existing records, creating a new record, modifying an existing record or deleting an existing record
  • a deletion of a record must be preceded with a request of confirmation
  • a deletion is performed in isolation regardless if the record itself is still referenced in another record somewhere else
  • in an input field, which is a foreign key, a value is presented which the foreign key refers to (not the foreign key value itself)
  • every REST API endpoint needs to be protected (where it makes sense) by checking if there is a valid user logged in

1.3 User Stories

  • As a ... I want to ..., so I can ...

As a visitor (without logging in),

  • I am not able to log in without registered username/password, so I can not modify the database content
  • I want to register with a username and password, so I can become a normal user
  • I am not able to register an already taken username
  • I am not able to maintain any data by entering the sub-page's URL address

As a user, I want

  • the website content consumable on computer screen and mobile devices, so I can use it on any device I have access to
  • to log in with my username and valid password only, so others can not login with invalid password
  • to filter transactions with a selected car, so I can easier check their list without confusion
  • to have an image stored about all carr, so I can quickly identify their data in lists

As logged in user, I want to

  • Log Out, so no one can modify the database under my username without my knowledge
  • change my own password, so I can service myself
  • create/modify/delete business partners, so I can record a transaction with new partner or correct my mistake at Partner creation
  • record Transactions for those cars only which are associated with me, so I can not maintain transactions for an unassigned car by mistake.

As a logged in administrator user, I want to

  • create/modify/delete records in any of the collections, so I can serve other users' data modification needs
  • promote a normal user to administrator, so I can share the admin work with someone else.
  • demote an admin user back to normal user status, so the user can not make any more administrative mistakes.
  • create a new user, so the person can log into the application
  • I am not able to record an already taken username, so there won't be confusion at the login process
  • reset a user's forgotten password, so they can log in again
  • assign a car to a user, so the setting can follow real world changes
  • deassign a car from a user, so the setting can follow real world changes
  • replace an image in Images collection, so I can serve such user requests

1.4 Structure plane

The structure of the website to be built consist of these pages:

  • Home page in 3 variants: no user not logged in / normal user logged in / admin user logged in
  • RegLog page in 2 variants: Log In / Register User
  • Profile page
  • Maintain <collection> page in 16 variants, where collection can be: Transactions / Partners / Users / Images / Currencies / Currency Rates / Measure Types / Unit of Measures / Unit Conversions / Countries / Expenditure Types / Material Types / Materials / Cars / Relationship Types / Users-Cars
  • Update <entity> page in 16 variants, where entity can be: Transaction / Partner / User / Image / Currency / Currency Rate / Measure Type / Unit of Measure / Unit Conversion / Country / Expenditure Type / Material Type / Material / Car / Relationship Type / Users-Car

The following navigation links are left off from the diagram below:

  • Home: available on all pages
  • Log Out, Partners, Transactions: once logged in, every page contains these links in the navbar

Website structure

1.5 Skeleton plane

Home page - Features and Wireframes

Home page - User Not Logged In

Section Feature / Content description
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Log In" - link to Log In page
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "My Car Administration"
Main a centered sizeable car icon

Wireframe-Home page 1

Home page - Admin User Logged In

Section Feature / Content description
Path /
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Cars assigned to you". Hidden if no car is assigned to user
Main Table: list of car records from Cars collection, which are assigned to the logged in user via a record in Users-Cars collection. The first column of the table is filled with the car images. Hidden if no car is assigned to user

Wireframe-Home page 2

Home page - Normal User Logged In

Section Feature / Content description
Path /
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Cars assigned to you". Hidden if no car is assigned to user
Main Table: list of car records from Cars collection, only those, which are assigned to the logged in user via a record in Users-Cars collection. The first column of the table is filled with the cars images. Hidden if no car is assigned to user

Wireframe-Home page 3
Reg/Log page - Features and Wireframes

Log In page

Section Feature / Content description
Path /login
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Log In" - link to Log In page
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Log In"
Main Input field - "Username" - empty, minimum 5, maximum 15 characters long
Main Input field - "Password" - empty, minimum 5, maximum 15 characters long
Main Button - "LOG IN" - link to logging in the given user
Main Text: "New Here?", Link: "Register Account" - link to Register User page

Register User page

Section Feature / Content description
Path /register
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Log In" - link to Log In page
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Register User"
Main Input field - "Username" - empty, minimum 5, maximum 15 characters long
Main Input field - "Password" - empty, minimum 5, maximum 15 characters long
Main Button - "REGISTER" - link to logging in the given user
Main Text: "Already Registered?", Link: "Log In" - link to Log In page

Wireframe-Register/LogIn pages
Profile page - Features and Wireframes

Profile page

Section Feature / Content description
Path /profile
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Profile of <username>"
Header Title2: "Change Password"
Main Input field - "Old Password" - empty
Main Input field - "New Password" - empty
Main Button - "CHANGE PASSWORD" - link to changing the password of the logged in user

Wireframe-Profile page 1
Maintain page - Features and Wireframes

Maintain page - Overview <collection> records

Section Feature / Content description
Path /maintain/<collection>
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Maintain <collection>"
Main Closed Accordion item header: Title: "New <entity>" - header linked to the opening up of the accordion item
Main Table: list of collection records. For each record the last column contains two icons linked to the update or delete of the record. Hidden if there are no records in the collection

Wireframe-Maintain page 1

Maintain page - Add new <entity>

Section Feature / Content description
Path /maintain/<collection>
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Maintain <collection>"
Main Open Accordion item header: Title: "New <entity>" - header linked to the opening up of the accordion item
Main Open Accordion item body: Contains empty input fields, one for each field in an entity. The fields can have the following types: Text, Number, Date, Select (drop-down), Checkbox, Password, Image, Timestamp (hidden), ChangedBy (hidden). All field content is initial
Main Table: list of collection records. For each record the last column contains two icons linked to the update or delete of the record. Hidden if there are no records in the collection

Wireframe-Maintain page 2

Maintain page - Update an <entity>

Section Feature / Content description
Path /update/<collection>/<record_id>
Navbar Link "My Car" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Home" - link to Home page
Navbar Link "Partners" - link to Maintain Partners page
Navbar Link "Transactions" - link to Maintain Transactions page
Navbar Link "Profile" - link to Profile page
Navbar Link "Log Out" - link to Log Out from the application
Header Flash Message: Contains message(s) if the previous operation issued one. Their type can be: Information (light blue), Success (green), Warning (yellow) and Error (red)"
Header Title: "Maintain <entity>"
Main Open Accordion item header: Title: "Update <entity>" - header linked to the opening up of the accordion item
Main Open Accordion item body: Contains empty input fields, one for each field of the entity. The fields can have the following types: Text, Number, Date, Select (drop-down), Checkbox, Password, Image, Timestamp (hidden), ChangedBy (hidden). All fields are filled from the record previously selected for update

Wireframe-Maintain page 3

1.6 Surface plane

Choose default settings of MDBootstrap:

  • font family Roboto
  • class bg-secondary (purple) for administrator user's navbar background color
  • class bg-primary (blue) for normal user's navbar background color
  • class bg-warning (orange) for the accordion header background color

2. Code design

  • utilizing the Flask framework for handling REST API calls
    • The file contains code related to Flask only, no database or form reference can appear in there.
    • The file is a module and contains code related to the database and web page forms.
  • generating web pages from HTML templates with Jinja templating inserts
    • the base.html file contains the base HTML structure of all web pages generated in the app
    • the index.html extends the base.html into the 3 versions of the Home page
    • the reglog.html extends the base.html into the Login and Register User pages
    • the profile.html extends the base.html into the Profile page
    • the maintain.html extends the base.html into the 32 versions of the Maintain page: 16 collections * (/maintain/<collection> + /update/<collection>/<record_id>)
  • The database structure and content can be initialized programmatically. It is governed by the environment variable MONGO_INIT. If it equals True, then the content of every collection is deleted and initialized using 2 project files.
    • db_base.json contains the entity structure descriptions (which are deposited in the Fieldcatalog) and selected basic content)
    • db_base.json demo content with 3 users, 3 cars and some recorded transactions)

3. Features Left to Implement

  • develop a "view" field catalog functionality to enable calculated columns on the generated tables, e.g. fuel consumption column
  • on the "Home" page instead of listing the car records from the "Cars" collection, list cars with the following calculated statistics:
    • picture of car
    • car's current book value: based on initial purchase price, planned length of keep, capital expense type of transactions recorded
    • daily cost: value based on planned amortization and operational expense type transactions
    • 100km cost: value based yearly cost and planned yearly distance run
    • last fuelling date
    • dues in the next 30 days (insurance, tax, car inspection, etc.)
  • on the "Maintain Unit Conversions" page, when an option is chosen on "Source Unit" field, restrict the options of Target Unit to the same Unit type as the "Source Unit" has. E.g. selection "L" in one field would restrict the other field to VOL type units only.
  • on the "Maintain Transactions" page
    • store the car filter value in the session cookie
    • add transaction date filter to the header, store this filter value in the session cookie
    • when creating a new transaction, fill the Date field with current date
    • when creating a new transaction and buying fuel type material, fill the Odometer field with the last known value
    • after selecting an option on the "Car" field, fill the "Currency" field from the "Car"->"Country"->"Currency" derivation
    • after selecting a "Goods/Service" material, derive the "Unit" field from the "Material"'s record
  • allow uploading an image for every transaction and store them
  • from an uploaded fuel purchase receipt extract partner/quantity/price data with machine learning character recognition (and possibly with help of receipt templates)

4. Technologies and Tools Used

5. Issues

Issues solved during development

  • on the maintain.html page there is one modal pop-up embedded for record deletion confirmation. The suggestion I received was to have as many modals as many rows are generated on the page. I successfully generalized the modal with a javascript function, so one modal is enough.
  • separated the web server (Flask) code part from the form-database codes

Known issues

  • "Unit Conversions" collection is sorted by *_id foreign key fields and not by the referred foreign value Unit Name. Although this still groups values together, but not alphabetically sorts as one would expect. To solve it, the sorting needs to be moved from the DB into the application.
  • input form and database related codes are co-dependent, because there is only one set of field names which are used by both code parts. An additional logic needs to be written to discover records still referencing the record to be deleted and do a cascading deletion.

6. Testing

First step in testing was the validation of HTML, CSS and JS code with Markup Validation Service, CSS Validation Service, JS Hint respectively. The whole testing was conducted manually on a Windows 10 desktop device running Chrome browser on a 1920x1080 resolution screen and on an Android tablet. Not tested on mobile phones, because the limited screen estate does not allow wide tables handling comfortably.

See the whole test suite in a web page.

Test results
Testing the My Car Administration web application Result
Check landing page (Home) without logged in user on narrow screen pass
Check Home page without logged in user on wide screen pass
Users collection ----
Try to Login with a non existing username: pass
Register a new (not already existing) user: pass
As logged in normal user Log Out pass
Try to register a user with existing username: pass
Log in as normal user without car assigned pass
Try to log In as normal user with wrong password: pass
Log In as administrator: pass
Logged in as administrator, check records in Users collection pass
Logged in as administrator, promote a normal user to administrator pass
Log in as an administrator user and demote itself to a normal user pass
Log in as normal user and change own password pass
As normal user with changed password try to log in with old password pass
As normal user with changed password try to log in with new password pass
As administrator reset a normal user’s password pass
Log in as normal user whose password were changed by administrator pass
Try to maintain Users using the /maintain/users address pass
As administrator delete a normal user pass
Try to log in with deleted normal user pass
As administrator create a new normal user pass
As administrator try to create a user with existing username pass
Relationship Types, Cars, Users-Cars, Images, Partners, Transactions collections ----
As administrator check Relationship Types pass
As administrator assign first car to a normal user pass
Log in as normal user with a car (just) assigned pass
As normal user record first transaction on newly assigned car pass
As administrator assign a second car to a normal user pass
As normal user record a new partner pass
As normal user check transactions pass
As normal user record a new transaction on second car pass
As administrator delete a car record pass
As administrator replace an image in Images pass
As administrator remove user-car relationship pass
Currencies, Currency rates collections ----
As administrator add a new currency pass
As administrator record currency rates pass
Measure Types, Unit of Measures, Unit Conversions collections ----
As administrator add a new measure type pass
As administrator add a new unit of measure pass
As administrator modify a unit of measure pass
As administrator add a new unit conversion pass
**Countries and Expenditure Types collections pass
As administrator change a Country setting pass
As administrator check Expenditure Types settings pass
Material Types and Materials collections ----
As administrator check Material Types settings pass
As administrator add a new material pass
As administrator modify a material pass

No additional bugs were discovered during the final testing.

7. Deployment

Deployment in development environment

7.0 Python and Git

Make sure, that Python and Git are installed on your computer

7.1 Set up the MongoDB-Atlas hosted database

  • Sign up for a free account on MongoDB
  • create a new organisation and a new project
  • inside the project at Database Deployments, create a new cluster
    • choose Shared / free tier cloud provider and region / M0 tier / choose cluster name
  • inside the newly created cluster create a database, e.g. my_car
  • in Deployment Security / Database Access, create a user with password authentication, select role readWriteAnyDatabase

Note down the following details:

  • cluster name
  • database name
  • database username and password

7.2 Clone the project's GitHub repository

  1. Locate the repository here
  2. Click the 'Code' dropdown above the file list
  3. Copy the URL for the repository (
  4. Open a terminal on your computer
  5. Change the current working directory where the cloned folder will be located
  6. Clone the repo onto your machine with the following terminal command ''' git clone '''

7.3 Create local files for environment variables

Change working directory to the cloned folder and start your code editor

cd cims03-my-car
code .

Create file with the following content into the root of the project folder

import os
os.environ.setdefault("FLASK_SECRET_KEY", "<secret key>")
os.environ.setdefault("FLASK_IP",         "")
os.environ.setdefault("PORT",             "5500")
os.environ.setdefault("FLASK_DEBUG",      "True")

The <secret key> can be any random character string from your keyboard.

Create file into the root of the project folder with the following content:

import os
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_CLUSTER",    "<cluster name>")
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DB_NAME",    "<database name>")
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DB_USER",    "<user name>")
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DB_PASS",    "<password>")
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_INIT",       "True")

Take <cluster name>, <username>, <password> from the MongoDB creation item at 7.1

The MONGO_INIT=True parameter triggers the initialization of the database content, every time the application is started. To prevent that, set it to False so your changes in the DB are preserved between sessions. If you make a change in the DB structure, the DB content needs to be initialized or you need to do the field catalog and collection changes manually on the DB.

7.4 Set up the Python environment

In your development environment, upgrade pip if needed

pip install --upgrade pip

Install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Open a terminal in the project root directory and run:

virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

7.5 Start the web server:


Deployment on Heroku

Heroku is a PaaS cloud service, you can deploy this project for free on it.

7.6 Prerequisites:

  • you forked or copied this project into your repository on GitHub.
  • Heroku requires these files to deploy successfully, they are both in the root folder of the project:
  • requirements.txt
  • Procfile
  • you already have a Heroku account, or you need to register one.

7.7 Create a Heroku App

Follow these steps to deploy the app from GitHub to Heroku:

  • In Heroku, Create New App, give it a platform-unique name, choose region, click on Create App button
  • On the app/Deployment page select GitHub as Deployment method, underneath click on Connect GitHub button
  • In the GitHub authorization popup window login into GitHub with your GitHub username and click on Authorize Heroku button
  • Type in your repo name and click search. It lists your repos. Choose the one and click on connect next to it.
  • either enable automatic deployment on every push to the chosen branch or stick to manual deployment
  • go to app/Settings page, click on Reveal Config Vars and enter the following variables and their values from the and envDB files:

The MONGO_INIT=True parameter triggers the initialization of the database content, be mindful when you allow this to happen. Furthermore, if you you use the same MongoDB database as in development, the init can ruin your data on Heroku an vica versa.

8. Credits


My inspiration for this project came from my own booking where I keep car related transaction data in a google spreadsheet.

The technical solution started out from the Task Manager code along mini project taught in the Code Institute curriculum.

I thank Nishant Kumar for mentoring me during the project. He suggested to study Clean Code by Uncle Bob and split up the monolith code into small functions. Despite much of my efforts, Uncle Bob still would not approve the current state of the code, there is still much to learn ...


Used 3 car images from the following places:


Administer the My Car app's data. This project is the third milestone in obtaining a Full Stack Web Development diploma from Code Institute. A CRUD web application written in Python with Flask framework on MongoDB-Atlas database, styled with Material Design Bootstrap.





