Twitter Trigger for Runnerty:
With this trigger you can stream twitter hashtags and collect the data from the user and the tweet
"language": "en" // This param is optional, by default is set to 'en'
This trigger sends to the input of the chain data from the user/tweet which you can use in you plan:
user_id: number
user_id_str: number
user_name: string
user_screen_name: string
user_location: string
user_description: string
user_followers_count: number
user_friends_count: number
user_listed_count: number
user_favourites_count: number
user_statuses_count: number
user_lang: string
user_profile_background_image_url: string
user_profile_image_url: string
user_following: boolean
user_follow_request_sent: boolean
tweet_created_at: date
tweet_id: number
tweet_id_str: number
tweet_text: string
tweet_retweet_count: number
tweet_favorite_count: number
tweet_hashtags: object
tweet_data: object with all the data retreived by the Twitter API