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rongc edited this page Jul 10, 2021
2 revisions
- 创建HttpProvider继承HttpProvider,提供baseUrl等
class WanHttpProvider: HttpProvider {
// 提供baseUrl
override fun baseUrl(): String {
return "https://www.wanandroid.com"
// 打印日志等级
override fun logLevel() = Level.BODY
// 可添加ConvertFactory
override fun providerConverterFactories() = arrayOf(WrapperConverterFactory.create())
// 可添加拦截器
override fun providerInterceptors() = null
// 可添加CallAdapterFactory
override fun providerCallAdapterFactories(): Array<CallAdapter.Factory>? = null
- 可创建ConverterFactory,以统一处理项目所有请求的错误码或者其他通用业务。例如:接口定义的数据结构为
"data": ...,
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMsg": ""
// 创建对应的实体类
data class BaseResponse<T>(val errorCode: Int, val errorMsg: String, val data: T)
class WrapperConverterFactory private constructor(private val gson: Gson) : Converter.Factory() {
override fun responseBodyConverter(
type: Type, annotations: Array<Annotation>, retrofit: Retrofit
): Converter<ResponseBody, *> {
return WrapperResponseBodyConverter<Any>(type, gson)
companion object {
fun create(gson: Gson? = Gson()): WrapperConverterFactory {
if (gson == null) throw NullPointerException("gson == null")
return WrapperConverterFactory(gson)
class WrapperResponseBodyConverter<T> internal constructor(private val mType: Type, private val gson: Gson) :
Converter<ResponseBody, T?> {
override fun convert(value: ResponseBody): T? {
val result = value.string()
val data = JSONTokener(result).nextValue()
if (data is JSONObject) {
return gson.fromJson<T>(
if ((mType as? ParameterizedType)?.rawType == BaseResponse::class.java) {
// 如果需要完整数据,Api方法的返回值类型的泛型应为BaseResponse<T>
} else {
// 否则不关注错误码,只接收data,接口请求不成功(错误码不为0)时抛出异常
val code = data.optInt("errorCode", -1)
if (code != 0) {
throw ServicesException(code, data.optString("errorMsg"))
}, mType
throw ServicesException(500, "response error, response value = $result")
- 创建ServicesException承接接口定义的业务错误码和错误信息
class ServicesException(val code: Int, message: String?) : Exception(message)
通过以上代码就完成项目基本网络配置,当接口发生业务上错误时,可根据ServicesException code或message处理错误逻辑。