Runic is a vanilla JS state management library. It's primary goal is to be simple, lightweight, and fast, and have a minimal API surface area that is easy to understand and ergonomic to use.
Note This project adheres to semantic versioning.
Warning Runic is in its infancy. It's not safe to use in production at this time.
- Turn this into a monorepo with separate packages.
- Get to a place where I'm happy with the API
- Starting using a
branch - Create a documentation site (
$ npm i
Run all tests
$ npm run test
Run example: Basic Counter
$ npm run example:basic-counter:dev
# open http://localhost:5173/
Publish all packages
$ npm run ci:publish
Build package: Runic
$ npm run runic:build
Build package: Runic React
$ npm run runic-react:build