A Discord bot for displaying whatsnew.txt for the OHRRPGCE
Install Python3 (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
Install module requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
Make a copy of example_config.json, name it config.json and add your APP_TOKEN and ALLOWED_CHANNELS.
You can get your APP_TOKEN at http://developer.discord.com and the channel IDs can be obtained by right clicking on a channel on discord and selecting "Copy Channel ID".
- Launch with: py bot.py -- Success looks like this:
discord.client logging in using static token
discord.gateway Shard ID None has connected to Gateway (Session ID: cdcac418e852ee7fc167f2cb3ab77635).
Logged in as OHR Whats New Bot
Started OHR WhatsNew Bot
In one of the discord channels the bot has joined, use !whatsnew.
Adjust the COOLDOWN_TIME to change how often a user can use the command. Will require a relaunch.
Ctrl+C to kill the bot.
(watching) Message truncating is odd.
No error control (connection errors, etc)
No command to kill bot.
Cooldown effects the whole bot, not just the user/channel.