153 - OZ ERC1155
OpenZeppelin ERC1155: is a novel token standard that aims to take the best from previous standards to create a fungibility-agnostic and gas-efficient token contract.
The distinctive feature of ERC1155 is that it uses a single smart contract to represent multiple tokens at once
Accounts have a distinct balance for each token id, and non-fungible tokens are implemented by simply minting a single one of them.
This approach leads to massive gas savings for projects that require multiple tokens. Instead of deploying a new contract for each token type, a single ERC1155 token contract can hold the entire system state, reducing deployment costs and complexity.
Because all state is held in a single contract, it is possible to operate over multiple tokens in a single transaction very efficiently. The standard provides two functions,
, that make querying multiple balances and transferring multiple tokens simpler and less gas-intensive.
- ERC1155 Token Standard
- Fungibility-agnostic
- Single Contract -> Multiple Tokens
- Convenient & Efficient
- Single Tx -> Multiple Tokens