Version 1.12
New Features:
- Get-RscSla now retrieves all fields required to update or create SLA Domains.
- Set-RscSla allows pipeline input of SLA object, allowing full SLA domain automation.
- Get-RscNutanixVm can now filter by cluster.
- Get-RscVmwareVm can now filter by organization.
- Get-RscMssqlInstance can now filter out relics and replicated objects (replicas) with -Relic:$false -Replica:$false
- Get-RscMssqlDatabase can now filter out relics and replicated objects (replicas) with -Relic:$false -Replica:$false
- Register-RscRubrikBackupService now supports adding physical hosts by hostname.
- Get-RscNasSystem no longer requires -id parameter
- Get-RscNasShare no longer requires -id parameter
- New Get cmdlets
- Get-RscArchivalLocation
- Get-RscAzureNativeVm
- Get-RscCloudNativeTagRule
- Get-RscDb2Database
- Get-RscDb2Instance
- Get-RscHypervVm
- Get-RscMongoCollection
- Get-RscMongoDatabase
- Get-RscMongoSource
- Get-RscOracleDatabase
- Get-RscOracleHost
- Get-RscSapHanaDatabase
- Get-RscSapHanaSystem
- Get-RscAwsNativeEc2Instance
- Get-RscSnapshot no longer throws an exception due to overfetch of fields.
- New-RscSla now properly adds arguments to query.
- Get-RscOrganization correctly retrieves organizations by name
- Fixed format widths on some table views
- Added table formatting to cmdlets. You can revert back to list view with `<cmdlet>` | Format-List