This is a tool created in Go to backup data to Amazon S3.
It will create tar.gz archives out of the paths you input in input.json (see 'example-input.json')
Then it will split these archives into smaller chunks, if they are large (configurable, see 'example-input.json')
It will upload the archives to the S3 bucket speciefied in input.json file and store it in the StorageClass choosen by you.
Checksums are caclulated and verifed to ensure the integrity of uploaded data to S3.\
- See: Example of a backup
- See: Example of a restore
There are charges from AWS for the S3 usage! This link can help you calculating the chages
- There are CloudFormation templates in directory "cloudformation", that can be used to deploy the requirements
Here are the requirements in detail, in case you do not want to use the provided CloudFormation templates:
- An existing S3 Bucket within your AWS account
- An IAM user with access key (and secret access key) OR configured AWS CLI profile OR programmatic access credentials from AWS IAM Identity Center
- Your IAM user should have the following permissions (can be a separate attached IAM policy):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- In the directory 'bin/' you will find pre-compiled executable binaries for different operating systems. You can just execute them in a terminal.
- See 'example-input.json' and build your own input.json
- See: Example of a backup
- See: Example of a restore
- See the help
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -help
- Execute with your input.json
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -json ~/tmp/input.json
- Execute with your input.json and specify an AWS cli profile and AWS region
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -json ~/tmp/input.json -profile test -region eu-central-1
NOTE: Default AWS CLI profile is: 'default' and default AWS region is 'us-east-1'.
- List your buckets
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -mode restore
- Restore everything out of an bucket (and generate an input json for restore called 'generated-restore-input.json' in your current directory)
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -mode restore -bucket my-s3-backup-bucket -destination Downloads/restore/
aws-s3-backup_macos-arm64 -mode restore -bucket my-s3-backup-bucket -json generated-restore-input.json
- Specify the path to input.json (see below)
- Specify the name of the AWS CLI profile
- Default profiles beeing used: default
- If AWS CLI is not installed, you can use environment variables for authentication
- You can list your profiles with: 'aws configure list-profiles' command
- See: AWS Documentation about AWS CLI Configuration
- The AWS region must match the region in which your destination S3 bucket lives
- Default is us-east-1
- See AWS Documentation about S3 Buckets
- Operation mode (backup or restore)
- Default is backup
- If mode is 'restore' you have to specify the bucket, in which your data is stored.
- Without this parameter you will get a list of Buckets printed.
- Specify a prefix to limit object list to objects in a specific 'folder' in the S3 bucket.
- Example: 'archive'
- Path / directory the restore should be downloaded to. Download location.
- Example: 'restore/'
- Mode of retrieval (bulk or standard)
- Used for objects stored Glacier / archive storage classes.
- bulk takes up to 48 hours / standard takes up to 12 hours, but is more expensive than bulk
- Default is bulk
- Days that a restore from DeepArchive storage classes is available in (more expensive) Standard storage class
- Default is 3 (days)
- If a restore from Glacier / archive storage classes to standard storage class is needed and this is for example 60 it will retry the download every 60 minutes.
- If this parameter is specified, restores will be done without confirmation! (See: restoreWithoutConfirmation)
- Restore objects from Glacier / archive storage classes to standard storage class has to be confirmed per object. If this parameter is specified, restores will be done without confirmation!
- By default this parameter is not specified
The following values for 'StorageClass' in JSON input file are supported:
- REDUCED_REDUNDANCY (NOT recommended! Do not use it!)
For the different StorageClasses different pricing and different minimum storage duration applies!
Depending on the StorageClass you choose, there is maybe a retrieval charge for your data etc.
For download (restore) from S3 there is always a fee for traffic out of AWS to the Internet. (As of 2024 this is USD 0.09 per GB + Tax)
For more info about the different StorageClasses and AWS S3 pricing in general see:
- AWS Documentation: Amazon S3 Storage Classes
- AWS Documentation: Using Amazon S3 storage classes
- AWS S3 Pricing
- This path will be used to build the tar.gz archives and (if needed) to split them into smaller chunks
- The files stored here are the exact objects uploaded to S3 (verified during upload with checksums to ensure the data integrity)
- Ensure that you have enough free space here
- Default value (also if unset!) is: True
- If you set this to False, it will keep all data in TmpStorageToBuildArchives path after uploading to S3. (see above)
- You could for example verify you can successfully extract the archives or rebuild them if splitted
- Technically there is no need to disable the CleanupTmpStorage since this data is stored in your S3 bucket
- Default value (also if unset!) is: "" (empty)
- If your content path is for example: "/home/rtitz/tmp/pico/" and TrimBeginningOfPathInS3 is for example: "/home/rtitz/" then "/home/rtitz/" will be removed (trimmed) from the S3 path. (Result in S3 will be: s3://my-s3-backup-bucket/backup/tmp/pico.tar.gz)
- Default value (also if unset!) is: "" (Encryption disabled / Nothing will be encrypted)
- If you set a value, this is going to be your secret used to encrypt the archive (or archive parts) before upload. (AES-256-GCM)
- During restore you will be asked for the secret to decrypt the file(s)
- Do not specify the parameter -profile
- If you sign in via the AWS IAM Identity Center, you will find the button 'Command line or programmatic access', you can copy the AWS environment variable commands from here and execute aws-s3-backup tool afterwards.
- Before executing aws-s3-backup tool, set environment variables as follows (If not copied from AWS IAM Identity Center sign in page):
Linux and macOS:
Windows PowerShell:
- HINT: You can create an IAM User in the AWS IAM Console and an Access Key for this user to get AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. (There is also a CloudFormation template to create the user.)