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1.0 Release Candidate 2

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@rswinkle rswinkle released this 20 Jan 18:14
· 124 commits to master since this release

So it's been another almost 2 years since the last release. New years resolution is to be more consistent on all my projects.

This and the last release are really misnamed. You're not supposed to add new features to release candidates but I've done a lot of that (as well as fixing bugs of course). This should really be either 1.0 Beta or at most RC1. Still, I've been using it continually and other than a few rough edges here and there and a lack of polish it's fine to use.

One of the largest new features is the "File Selection" feature/screen. It basically emulates the standard "Open File" dialog in most GUI toolkits.
You can use it to do almost anything you could open directly on the command line except URLs and you can only do one thing at a time.

Other changes include

  • Support for multiple playlists and a playlist manager screen
  • New controls and preferences and config values
  • Upgraded all libraries (Nuklear, stb_image, etc.)
  • Many more fixes and features I'm forgetting.
  • New AppImage build! Built on Ubuntu 22.04 so it should work on most distro versions of the last 2-3 years.

Note while I've added some things that weren't supported on Windows before, there is still at least one thing that is on Linux but not on Windows. The "File Selection" screen does not have "Recents" on Windows. That's a TODO.

There are definitely a few other minor quirks and gotchas here and there that I plan to iron out.

Try it out, try to break it, and create issues for anything you find broken or annoying or just general suggestions for features and improvements.
