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DeepLearnR tensorFlow Object system for R

Piotr Przetacznik edited this page May 22, 2016 · 14 revisions


Enhance the R package to interface with DeepLearning Frameworks, specifically Google's TensorFlow. DeepLearning is a broad subject and this work would focus on a subset of features that add value to the R community for example a scalable implementation of CovNets & LSTM.

Related work

Currently there are no other packages. We are working on a package deepLearnR which implements initial features via rPython and skflow. The work on this GSOC proposal would be to enhance that package.

Details of your coding project

R interfaces, datasets, vignettes and demos

Expected impact

Interfaces to scalable deep learning frameworks is an essential capability to the R community. The bigger idea for the DeepLarnR package is to create a complete "wrapper" for TensorFlow probably starting with rPython eventually with rcpp as the c++ layer gets more richer interfaces


Krishna Sankar ([@](mailto:ksankar42 {at} gmail {dot} com)) Billy Vreeland ([@](mailto:billyvreeland {at} gmail {dot} com))

Each project needs 2 mentors. Ideally one should be an expert R programmer with previous package development experience, and the other can be a domain expert in some other field or application area (optimization, bioinformatics, machine learning, data viz, etc).



  1. Install deepLearnR package and run all the examples.
    • What are the results ?
    • What difficulties, if any, did you face installing the package ?
  2. Change the data in the examples and show the results
    • You might have to tweak the learning rate and the epochs/steps
    • If you tweak the hyperparameters, show the results of the numbers you tried


  1. Write an R function that creates a machine learning model and returns the results
    • You can choose your favorite model and a dataset
    • The function should have hyperparameters (appropriate to your model) that can be tweaked
  2. Write a model in python using TensorFlow or skflow
    • On your own, don't use the examples already on the net or part of tutrials


  1. Develop a small R package (say a new sumx function that adds two numbers and returns the result in a hex string)
  2. Add all the required elements to pass R CMD check --as-cran

Solutions of tests

  1. Venali Sonone
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