Integrates standard into your mocha tests. This allows you to enforce a "one true" JavaScript coding style in your project via Mocha tests.
This offers a finer alternative to adding standard into package.json's scripts.test
- Runs in the same node process as mocha, removing maybe 500ms of startup time.
- Use
mocha --watch
to recheck for style failures.standard
is used programatically, removing a huge overhead (around 1500ms) in re-running it repeatedly with--watch
. - Painlessly integrate standard into your tests.
(Your speed gains may be a bit different from my Pentium II, of course.)
Install it:
npm install --save-dev mocha-standard standard
Then add this test file to your Mocha suite:
/* test/standard_test.js */
it('conforms to standard', require('mocha-standard'))
To configure what files to consume:
var standard = require('mocha-standard')
it('conforms to standard', standard.files([
'index.js', 'test/*.js'
Since the first run of a standard test takes a while to execute (sometimes more than Mocha's default 2 second timeout), it'd be wise to change the timeout for your mocha-standard tests. You can do this using this.timeout
inside a describe()
block, or with --timeout
in mocha.opts
describe('coding style', function () {
it('conforms to standard', require('mocha-standard'))
To specify global variables, pass { global: [...] }
into .files()
. This is especially useful for Mocha test files. (Be sure you're using standard 5.0.0 or above.)
var standard = require('mocha-standard')
describe('coding style', function () {
it('lib conforms to standard', standard.files([
it('tests conform to standard', standard.files([
], {
global: ['describe', 'it', 'before', 'beforeEach', 'after', 'afterEach', 'xdescribe', 'xit']
To use semistandard instead, use:
npm install --save-dev mocha-standard semistandard
/* test/standard_test.js */
it('conforms to standard', require('mocha-standard/semistandard'))
mocha-standard © 2015+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list). · GitHub @rstacruz · Twitter @rstacruz