A Code Generator
- Clone both API and UI repository
- Create a folder named
parallel to UI and API folder (Can be configured using.env
if you want another location) but keep it outside this project - Install Vue CLI
npm install -g @vue/cli
There is an option to host the project after generation, it was created so you can preview the project.
- Ensure
is installed globally - Ensure MySQL is installed and credentials are set in .env file
- Ensure Nginx server is installed
Meaning of common words used in thie UI to help you use the project.
NOTE: Gloassary is being migrated to GitHub wiki with detailed explaination
This item can only have one entry in the database, There are two types of singleton, Singleon being single doesn't support all 7 methods, Only the folowing api methods are supported by singleton
GET /resource
- Show: for getting itPOST /resource
- Store: for creating or updating itDELETE /resource
- Destroy: for deleting it
Global singleton is not related to anything, there is just one copy of it in enitire project like project name, email, contact, etc
Regular Singleton belongs to a table so it have one instance per entry in parent table, for example every user can have one profile so user profile is regular singleton, the max number of regular singleton will be same as number of it's parent.
Route parents is used when two table have relations and route of child table is nested in route of parent table, For example
// Parent route
Route.post('/project', 'API/ProjectsController.store')
Route.get('/project/:projectId', 'API/ProjectsController.show')
// Child route
Route.get('/project/:projectId/workers', 'API/WorkersController.index')
Route.post('/project/:projectId/workers', 'API/WorkersController.store')
Route.get('/project/:projectId/workers/:workerId', 'API/WorkersController.show')
In the above snippet you can see the routes for workers are nested inside project routes, it is adviced to avoid routes this but you can still create it to if you want.
- UI runs at 10K + projectId
- API proxy runs at 20K + projectId
- API runs at 30K + projectId
Create a MySQL server using Docker container. The following command will create a MySQL container name main-mysql
with creator
as root password, feel free to change these to whatever you like
docker run --name main-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=creator -p 3306:3306 -d mysql
To Stop the container use
docker stop main-mysql
To restart the container after system reboot use
docker start main-mysql
To get a shell into container to run commands use
docker exec -it main-mysql bash
Update the default MySQL user with the follwoing commands.
docker exec -it main-mysql bash
# You will get into container shell now type
mysql -uroot -p
# Press enter and type your MySQL password
-- Create database
-- Create user with native password (Required)
CREATE USER 'creator'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'creator';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'creator'@'%';
This script is intended for only demo, development docker scripts have not been added yet.
To start run
./docker-compose up -d
./helper.sh node ace migration:run # It will run migration
To stop run
./docker-compose down
To run any command on continer use the helper script
./helper.sh <command>