is a Golang package that generates realistic GPS coordinates.
go get
data := gpsroutegen.Generate(gpsroutegen.NewPoint(55.953251, -3.188267),
Amount: 10,
BearingRange: gpsroutegen.DirectionRange{
Min: gpsroutegen.Direction_SSE,
Max: gpsroutegen.Direction_SSW,
DistanceRange: gpsroutegen.DataRange{
Min: 10 * 1000,
Max: 15 * 1000,
Amount: 20,
BearingRange: gpsroutegen.DirectionRange{
Min: gpsroutegen.Direction_W,
Max: gpsroutegen.Direction_WNW,
DistanceRange: gpsroutegen.DataRange{
Min: 1000,
Max: 1500,
url, err := data.ToGeoJSONIOUrl()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("click the URL to see the route in a map")
data := gpsroutegen.GenerateRandom(
// WithDistance sets the total distance of the route in meters. If not set, a random value between 1000 and 2000 will be used.
gpsroutegen.WithDistance(gpsroutegen.RandRangeInt(3000, 5000)),
// WithAmount sets the amount of data points to generate. If not set, a value of 100 will be used.
gpsroutegen.WithAmount(gpsroutegen.RandRangeInt(90, 150)),
// WithDirectionChanges sets the amount of direction changes to generate. If not set, a random value between 0 and 5 will be used.
gpsroutegen.WithDirectionChanges(gpsroutegen.RandRangeInt(6, 10)),
// WithStart sets the starting coordinates. If not set, a random coordinate will be used.
gpsroutegen.WithStart(gpsroutegen.RandPointNear(55.953251, -3.188267, 300.0)))
url, err := data.ToGeoJSONIOUrl()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("click the URL to see the route in a map")
Output data can be tested using the Mapbox viewer.
Based on
Rangel Reale (