A Lexical Analyzer developed for Problem Based Learning of Programming Language Processors discipline.
- Clone the main branch
- Create input ("/input") and output ("/output") folders on root
- Create a input file (Ex.: "input1.txt") on input folder and write your code
- Run python3 main.py to analyze your code
- Check the output folder
Description | Composition |
Reserved words | var const typeDef struct extends procedure function start return if else then while read print int real boolean string true false global local |
Identifiers (ID) | letter(letter | digit | _ )* |
Numbers | Digit+( . Digit+)? |
Digits | [0-9] |
Letters | [a-z] | [A-Z] |
Arithmetic operators | + - * / ++ -- |
Relational operators | == != > >= < <= = |
Logical operators | && || ! |
Comments delimeters | // This is a line comment /* This is a block comment */ |
Delimiters | ; , () [] {} . |
String | "(letter | digit | symbol | \" )* " |
Symbol | ASCII 32 to 126 (except ASCII 34) |
Type | Token |
Reserved word | PRE |
Identifier | IDE |
Number | NRO |
Delimiter | DEL |
Relational operator | REL |
Logical operator | LOG |
Arithmetic operator | ART |
String | CAD |
Invalid symbol | SIB |
Malformed string | CMF |
Malformed number | NMF |
Malformed comment | CoMF |
Malformed operator | OpMF |